Frizzy Ends AFTER trim?


New Member
There was a portion of my hair in the back that was already natural before I got my huge trim last week. I know when my hair was trimmed last week that she would have trimmed a bit of that section too. The problem is that that section used to curl into a nice silky curl. Now, it still curls but the very ends where it was trimmed is sort frizzy. What would cause this? Isn't a trim supposed to result in smoother hair? Could it be the hair is so "blunt" cut that it's too much to wrap around itself thus causing a frizzy end instead of a smooth end? I've never had this problem before. I've even trimmed a tiny section of my broken pieces myself and that made them only smoother. Now, I'm afraid that once I cut the rest of my relaxed ends, they'll all be this way. Anyone have a clue?

Edited to add - sections that were trimmed with relaxed hair still left are just fine. The very bottom back section just seems to be a problem whether it has relaxed ends left or not....the end of the "curl" is frizzy.
Your natural hair is very beautiful and lovely!
You had a great transition!
Thanks Poohbear.

I guess no one has a clue about my question...but the good news for me is that I evaluated my hair more closely and I realized that the frizzy ends are only where there's like a half inch of relaxed hair. I think once it's cut above the demarcation line, they will be fine. {whew!}
hairlove said:
I guess no one has a clue about my question...but the good news for me is that I evaluated my hair more closely and I realized that the frizzy ends are only where there's like a half inch of relaxed hair. I think once it's cut above the demarcation line, they will be fine. {whew!}

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So, are you saying your relaxed ends are what's frizzy? Was your relaxed hair over processed? They always looked so smooth in your pictures. Anyways, I'm glad you figured it out.

I think my demarcation line is a little frizzy in some sections of the back of my hair...probably as a result of breakage. Not really sure. But yes, when my hair is wet or straight, you can't really tell. I have a ways to go before I have VERY healthy hair again.
If I ever see that stylist on the street...