Frizzy braidout remedy

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Hey girls,

Generally my braidouts come out moisturized, defined, and soft, but the past time or 2, they wouldn't hold the pattern that well and they were fuzzy...they just weren't appealing and 2 days in I was ready to dismantle it although I usually leave braidouts up for 5-7 days.

So, last night, I stepped up the moisture. I've gone back to sulfate free poo and I did a longer than usual prepoo. Then I DC'd for longer than usual with a hair masque.

Today my braidout looked heavenly...super soft, SHINY, and frizz. I got a ton of compliments tonight, and people kept asking me how I "got it to do that". :grin:

So, if you're struggling with undefined/frizzy braidouts, be sure your hair is moisturized. Moisture makes everything better. :up: