
Well-Known Member
I'm having the hardest time with my hair remaining neat, especially when wearing it in a bun. I've tried Fantasia IC and world of curls but i still get the frizzes what products/methods do you use to prevent this, i also use the scarf, which never stays on my head while i'm asleep. thanks in advance
I use Fantasia IC then put on the scarf for only 15min....I found that my hair is frizzier if I havn't used any oil in my hair....also I dry my hair with a t-shirt not a towel. The towel makes my frizzies worse.

BTW, your hair is looking fabulous :D
My best frizz buster is my homemade butter mix... knocks out frizz for a sleek, smooth finish every time. (mix is melted shea/cocoa/mango butters mixed together)
Thanks for the compliment and your help. I may try some coconut oil then to aid frizzies, it sounds strange, but l'll try the T-shirt and probably hold it in place with a stocking cap that's if it'll fit, lol.
Peachtree said:
My best frizz buster is my homemade butter mix... knocks out frizz for a sleek, smooth finish every time. (mix is melted shea/cocoa/mango butters mixed together)

This sounds brill, i've just ordered some raw shea butter yesterday, hopefully i could get it looking frizz free. btw i love your twist-out its gorgeous.