FRIENDLY hair touching....


Well-Known Member
my gma got a new foster child (a teenager) and when i first met her, i had "straightened" my hair... the third and fourth time i saw her, my hair was in a bun....

so saturday, we all went to take pictures and i wore my hair airdryed in my curls and you would have thought that i had put pure gold on my head... on at least 3 separate occasions, i felt a hand stretching and playing with my curls and every time, it scared the heck out of me.. :lol: ... so many people are only impressed by long hair, i forgot that there were people who were more into texture and volume...

i swear she was in LOVE with my hair and i guess i'm thinking that this is another milestone... i had actually forgotten how much i liked my curls after not seeing them for a week... and it was really nice to see (feel) how they are appreciated...

.... reporting another milestone - this has got to speak positively about my regimen :grin: :grin:
SqrpioQutie said:
my gma got a new foster child (a teenager) and when i first met her, i had "straightened" my hair... the third and fourth time i saw her, my hair was in a bun....

so saturday, we all went to take pictures and i wore my hair airdryed in my curls and you would have thought that i had put pure gold on my head... on at least 3 separate occasions, i felt a hand stretching and playing with my curls and every time, it scared the heck out of me.. :lol: ... so many people are only impressed by long hair, i forgot that there were people who were more into texture and volume...

i swear she was in LOVE with my hair and i guess i'm thinking that this is another milestone... i had actually forgotten how much i liked my curls after not seeing them for a week... and it was really nice to see (feel) how they are appreciated...

.... reporting another milestone - this has got to speak positively about my regimen :grin: :grin:

Yes it does speak highly of your regime. You should be proud. Your heart is so cute.

Both of you have some cutie-pies! They are adorable!

SqrpioQutie, congrats on your success. Compliments make all the struggles so much more worth it!
Thank you both!!! :) ... my "heart" thanks u too!!!...

yeah, the sacrifices definitely pay off... it's a shame i was never patient enough before to realize that... lol