Friend is trying to convince me to transition from relaxed to BKT...


With Love & Silk
She is like a relaxer Nazi now, even though she wore her hair relaxed for years. I am 26 weeks post right now which has more to do with me attempting to avoid relaxing during pregnancy than trying to do a super-duper stretch.

I am not completely against her idea, but she is also trying to convince me to go to her stylist for the BKT. It is $250. :nono:

I became a self-relaxer to avoid stylists and I have also enjoyed saving money too. I must say that my friend's hair looks wonderful after she has a fresh BKT, but I am still not wanting to pay $250 every 3 months to have my hair done!

My questions:

*Is there a such thing as transitioning from relaxed to BKT (and is it safe)?

*Can BKT be done at home and not in a salon?

*Is there a BKT product that is available over-the-counter that is formaldehyde free? (friend's stylist uses a formaldehyde free formula)

*Once all the relaxed hair is trimmed off and only natural/BKT hair is left, wouldn't I have to use heat everytime I wanted to straighten my hair? (at least with relaxed hair, I can air dry straight pretty successfully)

Thanks in advance for your answers. :)
Supergirl, is your friend able to grow and maintain long hair with a decent hemline using the bkt? Or is she pretty new (1 yr or less) to the bkt?
I'm no expert, but it is said relaxing while pregnant can be harmful to the fetus. I can't imagine how much more healthy a BKT would be.:nono: Can you get away with a protective style until after your baby is born?
I am not completely against her idea, but she is also trying to convince me to go to her stylist for the BKT. It is $250. :nono:

I became a self-relaxer to avoid stylists and I have also enjoyed saving money too. I agree!

My questions:

*Is there a such thing as transitioning from relaxed to BKT (and is it safe)? Yes. I did that and am now 100% relaxer-free (Last relaxer Oct 2009)

*Can BKT be done at home and not in a salon? Yes! I've done all my treatments myself!

*Is there a BKT product that is available over-the-counter that is formaldehyde free? (friend's stylist uses a formaldehyde free formula) There are several. Check out the "kerating treatment support" thread for reviews and for the most comprehensive set of advice, instructions, tips, etc. on BKT you'd find ANYWHERE!

*Once all the relaxed hair is trimmed off and only natural/BKT hair is left, wouldn't I have to use heat everytime I wanted to straighten my hair? (at least with relaxed hair, I can air dry straight pretty successfully) It really depends on your hair type. However, m 4a/4b hair dries shrunken, kinky/curly when air-dried. It looks and feels just like natural hair (though my pattern is looser, and it's softer and manageable). If I want straight hair I have to flat iron.

Thanks in advance for your answers. :) You're welcome. And don't let peer pressure affect your hair care decisions.

P.S. Don't BKT if you're pregnant!
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I say if it isn't broken, no need to fix it.

That being said, you can BKT at home with whatever version your friend's stylist uses. You can probably find the brand used on ebay or amazon. If not, there are others. Check out the Keratin thread for more details on different kinds, percentage formaldehyde, etc.

I wouldn't BKT while pregnant.
formaldehyde "free" means theres little in there so they dont have to document it. so def dont do it prego like all the other posts have said. also what do YOU want?? you mentioned the price, at the end of the day 250 every three months is money in ur pocket for products that could make your look the same as hers with WAY less heat and money imo.
She is like a relaxer Nazi now, even though she wore her hair relaxed for years. I am 26 weeks post right now which has more to do with me attempting to avoid relaxing during pregnancy than trying to do a super-duper stretch.

I am not completely against her idea, but she is also trying to convince me to go to her stylist for the BKT. It is $250. :nono:

I became a self-relaxer to avoid stylists and I have also enjoyed saving money too. I must say that my friend's hair looks wonderful after she has a fresh BKT, but I am still not wanting to pay $250 every 3 months to have my hair done!

My questions:

*Is there a such thing as transitioning from relaxed to BKT (and is it safe)? This is pretty much the same thing as transitioning from relaxed to natural, as if you stop relaxing your hair and start BKTing it, eventually when you trim all of your ends off you'd just be a BKT'd natural. As such, when the BKT runs out, you'll have natural hair (unless you start to heat train it, or never let the BKT run out)

*Can BKT be done at home and not in a salon? lots of members here do it at home, but make sure you have lots of ventilation.

*Is there a BKT product that is available over-the-counter that is formaldehyde free? (friend's stylist uses a formaldehyde free formula)
I believe softliss is formaldehyde free (don't quote me on this), check out the BKT thread, there's plenty of information there on this. as far as "over the counter", if you mean "over the internet" then sure. Most salons aren't going to sell you it though...I think its a "professional use only" product. The product seems expensive but if you can do it yourself, you can usually get a lot out of a very small bottle, depending on how long your hair is.

*Once all the relaxed hair is trimmed off and only natural/BKT hair is left, wouldn't I have to use heat everytime I wanted to straighten my hair? (at least with relaxed hair, I can air dry straight pretty successfully) as far as I can tell, the bkt lasts for some time so that its easier to straighten hair, but not permanently straight. I think sheba has managed to get pretty decent results without straightening every time, but if you want bone straight, I think you'd have to straighten more often...depending on your hair texture.

Thanks in advance for your answers. :)

Answers in bold. If you are pregnant, just stay away from BKT...even the formaldehyde-free ones.
I think the 3-4 day interim period could possibly be a health risk to a baby since the formaldehyde is still in the hair (pillows, clothes etc.,)..
I don't think that you should BKT if you are preggers. I wouldn't suggest relaxing the hair either ...however, I have seen many women relax their hair while preggers and have beautiful /healthy babies. Maybe you can wear a protective sort of style until the baby comes.
Yikes and thanks! My friend and her stylist seem to think that BKT is safe during pregnancy while they believe relaxing is so bad while pregnant and at any other time too! :lol: I did not realize that they all pretty much have formaldehyde, even if only trace/small amounts. I also read something on the net today that said if they don't contain formaldehyde, they contain a "chemical cousin" of formaldehyde.

Spring, my friend is pretty new to BKT--she's only had two done.

Sheba, thanks for the "if it ain't broke..." reminder. I was able to grow my relaxed hair to waist length at one point and I have appreciated the condition of my relaxed hair as long as I take good care of it and don't abuse it.

It does sound like I'd end up using more heat to get straight hair after each wash with a BKT.

I am going to try and go as long as I can with this "pregnancy stretch." I am having to use heat more often, but I make up for it with more trims. I have really been thinking that I am going to have to "give up the stretch ghost" when I hit the third trimester--about a month from now. My doc knows I am being super-cautious about this pregnancy, but he has insisted that relaxing my hair is okay. I'll go the distance if I can. I do have a few half wigs and a phony pony.
Co-signing on the "if it ain't broke" comment especially since your hair is long, healthy, and beautiful, you have a regimen down that works for you, and you enjoy self-relaxing. Your life will be undergoing enough change with the new baby. I would not make a major change with my hair if I had my hair situation together like you do.
Like many here have already stated, I wouldn't BKT or relax while pregnant. I think if you decide to do the BKT, I would go where your friend goes at least for the first time. Watch the steps they do, jot it down. Then you can decide if you want to go back every 3 months for follow-ups or DIY.

You can do a BKT if some of your hair is still relaxed. But it must be done on the new growth only. That is why I would suggest going to someone else who has the knowledge and experience of the BKT and who can visually see your NG. It will probably take at least 6 months to grow the relaxer out and transition all of your hair to the BKT.

I think the BKT and the Japanese thermals are the best things invented since slice bread. I had a Japanese thermal for a few years and went natural for a few years. I just started my LCHJ a few weeks ago and I am debating whether to go back to it soon (in a couple of months) or to wait until I reach my desired hair length (MB unstretched) and make the switch then. I want to do something else other than double-strand twists and box braids.

Here is a link to a website that sells many different BKT systems:

(I cannot vouch for any products here or the site itself since I have never purchased from them, but I had this site bookmarked for a while).
She is like a relaxer Nazi now, even though she wore her hair relaxed for years. I am 26 weeks post right now which has more to do with me attempting to avoid relaxing during pregnancy than trying to do a super-duper stretch.

I am not completely against her idea, but she is also trying to convince me to go to her stylist for the BKT. It is $250. :nono:

I became a self-relaxer to avoid stylists and I have also enjoyed saving money too. I must say that my friend's hair looks wonderful after she has a fresh BKT, but I am still not wanting to pay $250 every 3 months to have my hair done!

My questions:

*Is there a such thing as transitioning from relaxed to BKT (and is it safe)?

*Can BKT be done at home and not in a salon?

*Is there a BKT product that is available over-the-counter that is formaldehyde free? (friend's stylist uses a formaldehyde free formula)

*Once all the relaxed hair is trimmed off and only natural/BKT hair is left, wouldn't I have to use heat everytime I wanted to straighten my hair? (at least with relaxed hair, I can air dry straight pretty successfully)

Thanks in advance for your answers. :)

Even with the formaldehyde free formula the stylist still has to wear a mask while doing the BKT on a client. That is enough for me to swear off the BKT during pregnancy.
It's funny, I relaxed when I was pregnant, I think I coloured also, however I had no problems. I'm not sure about BKT, maybe you may be able to use it in the second 3 month phase. Check out the medical evidence to see how safe it is.
I wouldn't do it especially if you want to wear your hair straight most of the time. Better off just blow drying and Maxigliding (My new love! It's making it soooo easy with all the new growth (I'm almost a year post and no plans to BC any time soon)). My hair is actually in BETTER condition since adding heat (I lose almost no strands compared to air drying and trying to blend the two textures)

Relaxing while preggers is a waste anywho cuz it just don't take (yay hormones:lol:) Plus keep postpartum shedding in the back of your mind as well. Some women don't get it too bad, lots of us battle horribly with it like me. Trust you'll be thankful for the extra thickness the NG gives you when it starts:ohwell:

I think your hair looked really pretty at the meetup. I wanted to touch it but I already touched the belly...didn't want to get weird:rofl:
Oh wanted to throw in here: pony tail rollersets are time savers too. Cuts out the blow drying step and you end up only having to flat iron your roots/the scrunchie marks. Slightly OT: Humidity is almost over woohoo:lol:
Oh my goodness! Please don't BKT while you are pregnant! The fumes will harm the baby!
Don't make me go over there LOL
Right after you get the bkt, I believe there is a period of about 3-4 days when you can't wash or get your hair wet. So it's during that time that the formaldehyde is still in your hair and can effect the health of your baby when holding your baby close to your body.....

I had a lot of shed after having my last 2 sons that lasted about a year, so I don't know what to suggest :(
^^Oh okay, thanks.

From the looks of your hair now, we certainly can't tell that you had a post-partum shedding problem! I'll have to remember you for inspiration if I go through a pp shedding period. I'll think of you and know there's a light at the end of the tunnel!