Frequent Church Goers whats your reggie?


Well-Known Member
I hope its ok I put this here... If not I'm sorry.
Starting to go to church frequently but I need a new regimen... Usually I wash on Wed and Sun but clearly lol that's not gonna work any longer and I usually have to wash at least once a week even if I have braids... I need style ideas and to know what you ladies do? I'm natural with 3c/4a hair sl-apl length.
I prefer to wash, dc and set my hair after church. I know of people who do their weekly wash, dc and set on Saturday afternoons for Sunday morning service and keep the style in for Monday and maybe Tuesday.
I wear my hair pinned up. I usually wear my hair in a bun. I go to service on Saturday so usually Friday evenings when I take my shower I wash and condition my hair and decide how I am going to wear it. I prefer buns and rolls so thats how I wear my hair each week. Unless I want to do something different and I decide that in the morning. Currently I am in braids and have been for two months. God bless you on your journey back to family.
More often than not I'll DC and twist my hair on Sunday evenings in preparation for the coming week.

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I do my hair wednesday and saturday nights washing, deep conditioning, rollers and quick blow out. I don't have the time to be doing it Sunday mornings since service starts at 11AM and it takes me about 4 hours to do all that. As well I would rather go to church with fresh hair, and I maintain it by doing a doobie and using a silk scarf.