French Stabilizer Plus/ Lacio Lacio Leave In


New Member
Fantastic stuff, both of these. For those who don't know what type of hair I have, its wavelaxed:look: I generally relax anywhere from 12+ weeks, last relaxer was in April and I'm anticipating a really long stretch to hopefully October. (pray for me y'all!) I comb 2 days a week (on wash days), deep condition once a week, I do bun or pony every day. My hair was between APL and BSL in January, I cut it back to just above APL. I think its now back to APL (but I gnerally don't measure)

Anyway, I'm having some hair issues, mainly a lot of tangling and matting. Nothing has been working, though I used a clarifying shampoo and do whatever it takes to avoid buildup. I do use a lot of protien though this time around I've kept it to only DC's and not every day.

This particular stretch has been heinous. I've got a lot of new growth that has been particularly out of control.:freakout: ( I guess it figures its summer after all:rolleyes: ) I've never been prone to matting though I seem to be this time around.

Believe it or not I do read this board and don't just hang out in OT all the time. :look: Anyway I started reading the FSP thread. I usually use Porosity control or Nexxus ensure but even those two werent helping. Both of those have acidic levels of 4.5 and 3 respectively, and they usually do the job. I guess when my hair decided it wanted to break free it was doing it with a vengence.

At 6 bucks I figured I'd give FSP a try.Unfortunately I can't find FSP around here anywhere and I was already going to order Lacio Lacio so I ordered both.

All I can say is wow.

I shampooed like normal, I used FSP like I would a conditioner. I didn't get a lot of suds, (barely got any) and left it in like 3 minutes while I finished my shower.
Figured it couldnt hurt much.

I was amazed. No matts, no tangles. KEWL!:peace: My new growth was still there but it was laying down and not looking like a mini fro.

Anyway I used a quarter sized amount of the lacio lacio along with and 2 drops of Chi silk on my hair, and the strands were in LUV:2inlove:

Very moisterized, very happy.

These two are keepers for sure.

My hair is addicted to protien so maybe thats it (though it didn't like Aveda Damage Remedy...hmmmm:brainy:)

I know all protiens aren't created equal, that could be it, D.

What exactly is the FSP? I have this and used it after my relaxer. Is this similar to Porosity Control?

Its similar to porosity control that it helps the cuticle lay down however, it does have a lower PH. PC is 4.5 and French Perm Stabilizer(FPS) is 2.5. I've yet to use it after a relaxer but I will in October!

That's great Arcadian!! How did you style your hair afterwards? Did you airdry, blowdry, rollerset?

I airdried in bandu knots. When I took my hair down it was, very silky, had lots of body and bounce. It was rainy yesterday too (and humid) and my hair didn't go poof like it normally does. That says a lot for the FSP!:lachen: I'm now back in a bun:rolleyes: (I gotta break that particular habit)

Fantastic stuff, both of these. For those who don't know what type of hair I have, its wavelaxed:look: I generally relax anywhere from 12+ weeks, last relaxer was in April and I'm anticipating a really long stretch to hopefully October. (pray for me y'all!) I comb 2 days a week (on wash days), deep condition once a week, I do bun or pony every day. My hair was between APL and BSL in January, I cut it back to just above APL. I think its now back to APL (but I gnerally don't measure)

Anyway, I'm having some hair issues, mainly a lot of tangling and matting. Nothing has been working, though I used a clarifying shampoo and do whatever it takes to avoid buildup. I do use a lot of protien though this time around I've kept it to only DC's and not every day.

This particular stretch has been heinous. I've got a lot of new growth that has been particularly out of control.:freakout: ( I guess it figures its summer after all:rolleyes: ) I've never been prone to matting though I seem to be this time around.

Believe it or not I do read this board and don't just hang out in OT all the time. :look: Anyway I started reading the FSP thread. I usually use Porosity control or Nexxus ensure but even those two werent helping. Both of those have acidic levels of 4.5 and 3 respectively, and they usually do the job. I guess when my hair decided it wanted to break free it was doing it with a vengence.

At 6 bucks I figured I'd give FSP a try.Unfortunately I can't find FSP around here anywhere and I was already going to order Lacio Lacio so I ordered both.

All I can say is wow.

I shampooed like normal, I used FSP like I would a conditioner. I didn't get a lot of suds, (barely got any) and left it in like 3 minutes while I finished my shower.
Figured it couldnt hurt much.

I was amazed. No matts, no tangles. KEWL!:peace: My new growth was still there but it was laying down and not looking like a mini fro.

Anyway I used a quarter sized amount of the lacio lacio along with and 2 drops of Chi silk on my hair, and the strands were in LUV:2inlove:

Very moisterized, very happy.

These two are keepers for sure.


Ooooh thanks for the reminder Arcadian. I have FSP and haven't used it in ages. I have a lot of unruly new growth now and think this is the right time to pull it out and use it again. I will be using it tomorrow my poo:yep:.
Yeah, FPS is a god send. I have to thank DLewis, once again, for getting me going on this one too. My last stretch was about 3 months. I am only at about just over a month and already having issues with new growth. It's FPS time...:grin:
does any one use French Perm stabilizer plus on NATURAL hair?

I used it once. My hair was a matted mess. I haven't used it since. I don't know what I did right or wrong. I just remember the results.

There was a thread awhile back on it.

I used it once. My hair was a matted mess. I haven't used it since. I don't know what I did right or wrong. I just remember the results.

There was a thread awhile back on it.


thanks for the heads up! I still haven't tried it on my natural hair but that big white bottle on my shelf is calllliiiiing me :lachen: