Freezing Shea Butter...


Healthy Hair Quest..

I bought these two containers of unrefined, straight from the tree(no kidding!) Shea Butter

for $5 a piece at the Art Festival in downtown Atlanta.

That's a pretty good deal for me. Of course, I want to rack up and buy about 4 - 6 more of these babies.

My question is: Does Shea butter 'go bad'? Can I freeze it or is that unneccessary? If it does go bad, how long does it hold up?


Wondering how you know they are straight from the tree? (Just asking because it looks really light like a refined butter). I think shea butter has a pretty long shelf life (around 2 years) so I dont think its necessary to freeze unless you keep it for a LONG time and dont use it.
Babygurl said:
Wondering how you know they are straight from the tree? (Just asking because it looks really light like a refined butter). I think shea butter has a pretty long shelf life (around 2 years) so I dont think its necessary to freeze unless you keep it for a LONG time and dont use it.

Thanks Bg!

It was in this huge plastic bag, and when he started dipping it out, my sister asked, "What's that?" pointing to the wood that he was getting it out of. I told her it comes from a tree, but I wasn't sure it comes straight from the trunk or branch. It look like some sort of tree trunk or something. Not a bowl, or container.

I could be wrong, I think I'll research it.

It looked and acted pretty much like the NOW unrefined my husband bought me for almost $13 bucks.
Edited to add;

Here's what I found:
Refined Shea Butter:

Unrefined Shea Butter:

My shea butter looks like the bottom pic. Also, it's made out of nuts that are boil(I think) and crushed to make the butter.
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Hi! I too just bought some unrefined shea butter. I read up on it a little before buying. If I understood right if has to be extracted from the nut and boiled, to remove the butter. The info I read said that it does not need any refridgeration and will keep it's healing properties for 18-24 months. The info said that even after it looses the healing properties it is still good as a moisterizer. It said to store it in a cool dry place.

