
Well-Known Member
I'm giving away shescentit hair products on my blog, All you have to do is #FF & follow @StrawberriCurls on Twitter. You also have to join the facebook fan page to enter to win! Use the hashtag #strawberricurls on twitter to let me know who you are!

Please check the blog! Thanks!
Okay, following you on twitter n Facebook (I don't twitter much, so not sure how hashtags work...but I did retwit the announcement :) )
Sorry i sent u a message on Twitter but im sorry to say i dont know what #FF means or is. How can i do this correctly on Twitter.
Sorry i sent u a message on Twitter but im sorry to say i dont know what #FF means or is. How can i do this correctly on Twitter.

It means Follow Friday. That's all . Ill check my messages

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