Fragile Hair / Water Filter


New Member
I like to think my hair is pretty healthy....I haven't checked my length in about 4 months but I might be at APL and yet when i get my hair done or rollerset it....I can see the short strands throughout my hair.

I feel like I have 1 too many. I know the closer to my face/forehead the shorter the hair strands are but when I flat iron....I can feel strands snap off (i guess from getting caught in it).

Sometimes I go to wrap or unwrap my can hear 1 or 2 snaps. If i'm wearing my hair down...I turn or bend my head and I can hear snaps.

I FEEL LIKE MY HAIR SNAPS OFF AT EVERYTHING. Now I understand that not having filtered water can have a huge negative impact on your head.

Ladies what are some of the positive impacts on your hair did having a water filter give you?

Is it just me or do you ladies experience fragile hair also.