Fractionated Coconut Oil


New Member
For those of use whose hair loves coconut oil might like the idea of Fractionated Coconut oil. It has a fraction of the oil taken out so that it remains liquid. It is very light and mistable (is that a word). I am thinking of getting some to be my daily sealer/moisturizer. You can find an 8oz bottle cheap. Here is a link to some...this on is expensive but I love this site because they have therapeutic grade products. Just thought I'd share!
Great! Thanks! I'm really trying to find out what I'm doing wrong when it comes to coconut oil. Maybe my hair just doesn't like it. And it doesn't help that I don't like having to dig my fingers in product all the time. A spray is a better alternative. Let us know how it works out for ya chica!

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I like it more as a pre-poo mixed with conditioner. On dry hair, less is definitely more (this will leave you greasy lol) and on wet hair, it's ok to use a little more but it literally sits on my hair if I use more than a quarter sized amount.
Your hair will only take what it needs...everything is not for everyone but my hair drinks this stuff. So the light texture of the fractionated oil will be good for MY moisturizing and sealing.

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ITA. When I mix this with Silk elements olive, my grass is so happy. I've just learned to tweak things so that they work for MY hair. I was merely sharing MY experience and how I tweaked it for me.

I'm not saying that it doesn't work at all, just sharing for those who try it and THINK it doesn't work or that it's too light.... sharing another way to try it before they try to take it back, throw it out, or give it away. It's also fantastic blended into body butter.