Found a hair school by me! $8 wash/sets!

Some of you know I've been on the hunt for a local Dominican salon to do wash and sets.

Well doing one of my 'Dominican Drive Bys' /images/graemlins/cool.gif I looked up and saw a hair school on a 2nd floor of a road 5 mins drive from my home. I jotted down their tel. no and called them. They do relaxers, wash/sets etc. I said I have chemically relaxed hair and they said depending on its length, a wash & set is $6 to $8!!!! Plus they said I can bring my own conditioner. Woo hoo!! I'm going next Sat to try them out. They said they have alot of girls with chemically relaxed hair who come in for wash & sets.

I heard about using beauty schools years ago when friends told me you can have beauty treatments e.g waxes, facials done at training schools or colleges for dirt cheap because its students in training. Usually they're very good because they all want to be pros plus they're all supervised. Soooo I'm going to see how they'll do for me next week since its just a wash and set and not something dangerous like a relaxer. Plus I'll be watching them closely. I have another girlfriend coming with me too when I told her the price.

Anyone ever had students do their hair?

If this goes well I'll have finally found my local wash/set place /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm sure a lot of folks like going to the students at hair schools. However, I just wouldn't. Only because they aren't that experienced (not just referring to chemicals, but just over-all not experienced). Of course, my regular stylist cost more than going to the students at hair schools, but she's experienced, treats my hair gentle (just like I do) and I trust her. Besides, I don't have to worry about my hair being jacked-up when I leave the salon. I also don't want just anyone messing with my hair. Just my two cents. BTW, do you have a regular stylist?
Hi Allandra,

Point taken, esp. if you have someone already that you trust. I'm still going to give them a try since its a wash and set I'm having. Nothing complicated. (Hell if they can't wash my hair and put in rollars then they must be seriously inexperienced /images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

I'm willing to try them out for that. I won't have them use irons or anything after. Just the set and wrap and leave for $8 using only myown products. That to me is worth a try.

I don't have my own stylist. I just have my regular hairdresser friend I see for touch ups (they're too pricy for wash and sets and in Manhatten). In between I look after my hair myself.

I'll definitely let you know how it goes.
Thant is very true Allandra. You really shouldn't trust just anyone to do your hair. But I have had some great experiences at beauty schools.* I think this may also be due to the fact that I know what my hair needs and I tell them exactly what I want them to do.
This is one reason I believe I have had good experiences is b/c they are new or inexperienced they tend to listen better to what you want. Keep in mind I have never gone to them for a relaxer or retouch but I have gone for color (bring my own product), blow outs, flat iron, weaves (2-3 tracks - never a whole head) and wash and set.
This Mexican guy named Pablo hooked my hair up one time and he graduated so I was never able to find him after that. he gave me the best blow out ever! thing that is key is finding a senior or someone who has had many hours of practice under their belt. At the Marinello chain you can request a senior if you prefer. And also find one that lets you bring in your own products. The quality of products at most schools is pretty low b/c they have to buy in bulk...some of the shampoos are like dishwashing detergent!

But all in all you can't beat it $6-$8 for a wash and set. The damage factor is low andf if you don't like it you can just come home and wash it out. $8 shouldn't make or break anyone on this board.

* I think it's only fair for me to add that I have also had some bad experiences at beauty schools as well. Wash and sets that look crazy, frizzy and boufant-ish, blow outs gone wrong and just too much grease or gel applied from a stylist that didn't know what they were doing. But now that I know what my hair needs this helps a lot.
So my advice is to go to them if you have a good working knowledge of your hair (like most of us do) and not for something new that you've never tried before and don't know how it will turn out.

It also helps when you luck up and find a student that has been doing hair at home on her friends and family for years but goe sto school to get certified. Those gals are the best!

It is the more experienced of the students that I'll be looking for, esp. the ones that have been doing hair themselves anyway on friends/family and are now in training to get certified. I'll definitely be watching all that goes on (like I would with any new salon I visit).

I know what is good for my hair so I'll just make sure they do what I say dammit /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif lol!!! Well you know what I mean, are listening to what I say.

Like I mentioned before, I'm using all my own products too which they said I can bring in. I'm not doing blow outs or no curling irons. Just wash, set and wrap.
I had a friend in beauty school she could already do hair from the get but she wanted to be certified, and while she was going boy were we styling, they always needed people for the students to do their hair. My friend always did my hair and she did it really well she would always call me when she had to style someones hair for class or etc. I had some other friends come along too and she would give us the heads up about who we should allow to touch our hair if they asked. Sadly she moved, we talk ocassionally last i heard she was juggling working in a salon in LA and doing some personal stylist gigs Girl was really good!. I agree with Allandra, don't allow them to do anything crucial to your hair especially since you dont have any info on any of them. Not like you can ask to see their report cards or anything lol
i would take a chance on them if i didn't have someone i could trust, i would go that route at least for roller sets. quite frankly, some "stylists" act like just anybody when doing hair. at least the students have the excuse of being inexperienced. plus they're supervised!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Be sure to keep us posted! Especially those that reside in Queens /images/graemlins/grin.gif . When I finally finish my braid regime I am looking foward to going to an affordable salon where the beautician does a good job and actually cares about the health of your hair and not the growth of their pockets! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

P.S. I have to change that date because I am taking my braids out (it's been 3 months!) although they are still in decent condition.
Hello BRH!
Having been a hair student I know a little about what you may face at a school. Some schools don't teach much about relaxed hair. The only thing my school taught me about relaxed hair is how to apply the relaxer. You may get a student who has never touched relaxed hair ever. (in my class there were Russian, Serbian, Indian etc. students) They may not realize how fragile it can be, so if you let a student do your hair make sure you COMMUNICATE your needs (and make sure they understand). Also ask questions if you don't know exactly what they are doing or putting on your hair. Don't wear a nice blouse because you may get wet.(the hose can be tricky at first /images/graemlins/grin.gif ) If they are brushing through it wet don't be reluctant to stop them. If you have patience and are not too shy to speak up, getting your hair done at a school could be a good experience for you and build a students confidence.
Thanks Sunshine for the advice from an ex-student view point. I'll definitely speak up against anything wrong I see. On arrival I will probably chat with the lecturers/supervisors there to see the level of knowledge re. chemically relaxed hair too. I'll certainly make sure I'm at least being done with a student who has wash and set relaxed hair already. On arrival I'll make that clear. Plus of course I'll be watching everything they do closely.

To me, doing a wash and set at a school (with my own products) so close to my home is worth the risk in order to find the student(s) who do a great job so that I can make repeat visits to that same person.

Will keep you posted /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Good luck and do keep your eye on what their doing. Your hair is so nice, it would be a shame for anyone to mess it up now. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey! I live in Queens. Are you talking about that place in Flushing near Roosevelt Ave.? If you are, I have been sitting on their number myself for months. If your experience is good, I might give them a whirl myself when I remove my braids in February.