Found a good Pre-made ACV Rinse...On the douche aisle??


Well-Known Member
I was in whole foods today and i saw an ACV product that i was eyeing on the internet (it was mentioned by an LHCF poster). I marched right over and grabbed it looking at all the wonderful ingredients. It sounded like the perfect ACV combination pre-made for me! However i glanced around on what aisle i was on. I then looked at the surrounding products wondering why i wasnt on the 'Hair Product' aisle. Turns out, i was in the Douche section :eek: Needless to say, i was too embarassed to buy it. I just might go back when i get the nerve. Here's the product for anyone interested (please note that the internet says NOTHING about it being used for...ahem...other purposes).

Wise Ways HERBALS RAVEN Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse For Dark Hair 8 Fluid Oz

Directions: Mix 1/4 cup of the herbal vinegar with 1 cup warm water. Pour on
hair, keeping eyes closed. Rinse lightly. Your hair will love it.

Contains: Pure Apple Cider Vinegar Extracts of Birch Bark, Black Walnut Hulls,
Burdock, Horsetail, Lemon Grass, Nettle, Rosemary & Sage, Lavender & Rosemary
Essential oil.

Supplemental Facts:
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to revitalize your scalp and restore it's proper pH as
it removes soap residue. The fragrant flowers and nourishing herbs condition,
strengthen and soften your hair.
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Because the bottle didnt have the extra information on it that the website did and i second guessed what it was really supposed to be used for.
Is this something you would wash out when your done? Do you leave it in a little while? Condition afterwards?

Sorry so many questions.
The directions on the net say to rinse it lightly...whatever that means. This is probably a good product for those of us who couldnt get the mesaurements of water to ACV correct.

Mix 1/4 cup of the herbal vinegar with 1 cup warm water. Pour on
hair, keeping eyes closed. Rinse lightly. Your hair will love it.
i think it might've been in that aisle because people use vinegar and water as a homemade all natural douche to restore ph balance *ahem, ahem* down there :D but i think it would be fine regardless as long as the ingredients list are natural!:grin:
Interesting... nice ingredients list, too. Hmm... I might... because I struggled finding the right mixture for my ACV rinse.

P.S. Let's see... we're already there buying Monistat. Maybe we can use condoms for the baggie method! :lol:
jrae said:
Interesting... nice ingredients list, too. Hmm... I might... because I struggled finding the right mixture for my ACV rinse.

P.S. Let's see... we're already there buying Monistat. Maybe we can use condoms for the baggie method! :lol:

LOL:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thats true
jrae said:
Interesting... nice ingredients list, too. Hmm... I might... because I struggled finding the right mixture for my ACV rinse.

P.S. Let's see... we're already there buying Monistat. Maybe we can use condoms for the baggie method! :lol:
:lachen:you're crazy girl!!!:lachen:

The ingredients does sound real good...and plus I love ACV...I'm gonna check this out.
Nita81 said:
Which Whole Foods....the one on E. Ponce or Briarcliff? I want to check this out. TIA
I was at the one on Ponce De Leon. I thought the ingredients sounded great too and i did think about the Monistat thing as i was walking out. Maybe the cashier wont look at me funny -> :perplexed if i throw it in with a whole bunch of other items.
jrae said:
Interesting... nice ingredients list, too. Hmm... I might... because I struggled finding the right mixture for my ACV rinse.

P.S. Let's see... we're already there buying Monistat. Maybe we can use condoms for the baggie method! :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: you are so right!
A basic douche is vinegar and water, so this ACV product may have TWO purposes! Your hair may like so April freshness, too! :lol:

Just kidding, it looks like it would not do any harm.
I am posting live from Whole Foods(on sk2).....I see what you're talking about....the bottle w/ the blue doesn't have the ingredients listed. But it sure says douche loud and clear!!! Lol. I'm leaving it here.....lmao
Posting live from whole foods... :lachen: Nita, THat is TOO FUNNY. I knew i wasnt crazy!!!! You shoulda picked some up and gave it to the rest of us. Enchantmt, please tell us what you think so we can purchase some.
atlien11 said:
Posting live from whole foods... :lachen: Nita, THat is TOO FUNNY. I knew i wasnt crazy!!!! You shoulda picked some up and gave it to the rest of us. Enchantmt, please tell us what you think so we can purchase some.

Yes ma'am I have LHCF as a favorite on my Sidekick.:lol: My bf officially thinks I'm crazy....he was thought I was chatting online while I was shopping!!! Well kinda....I made a post:grin: