fotki updates... boring stuff + summer regimen


New Member
this is what im planning for the summer... do you guys see any danger w/ this plan?

im doing hardcore no manipulation for summer, 4 months. i'm already 10 weeks post as of may 10. im not relaxing until august 14. i'm not worried about stretching being a problem. here is my extreme no manip regimen for the next 14 weeks:

detangle w/ wide tooth comb every 14 days
one co wash and one shampoo a week. conditioners will vary. i will be using ors aloe shampoo.
i will deep condition after shampooing. but i dont like or care about deep conditioning so im not counting that as part of the process.
moisturize w/ glycerin/vitamin leave in/humectress concoction. seal w/ coconut oil.
no combing. no brushing. no tugging. no pulling. basically no styling at all other than VERY GENTLY smoothing into a ponytail when necessary
i am also going to try to stick with my gym routine (usually 4 days a week) but i'm feeling lazy right now so who the hell knows...
i am probably going to give myself a pass and straighten thoroughly for my bday in early july.

i have tried a lot of different techniques in 08 and i was not satisfied with anything i was doing. i felt i was losing too much hair and not getting the retention i needed. so this is another little experiment im trying out. its a HYH, no heat, no manip, stretch, co wash, exercise challenge all rolled into one. hopefully i'll have significant results in august.

there are some starting pics et al in my fotki here
I wish I was. But I'm too lazy and cheap :nono::ohwell: I got sooooooo sick of taking time out my day to put that stuff all over my scalp everyday lol. And then my fingers got all numb from brushing up against the hair strands to rub it in *shudder* but I definitely think that junk worked. You know, now would be a good time to start again. I might.