Suggestion Forward a Post


Well-Known Member
I just came across something I thought would make a good feature. I've been trying to do research on behalf of my mother whom is also a member of this forum so when I come across a notable thread for her to read I tag her in it or I log into her account and subscribe to the thread for her (because she doesn't yet know how to navigate the forum). Well I just came a cross a reply within a thread that had valuable information though the entire thread itself would not be suitable for her. Also, there are many pages in the thread so trying to direct her to the specific reply would be hard. It would be great if near the "report this post" button that there was the option to "forward this post". The user being forwarded to would receive a notification and perhaps the post will be sent either directly to the user's private messages inbox or stored in a new separate section of the User CP called Forwarded Posts. Besides quoting the post it would also include a link to the thread.