Suggestion Forums For 30's 40's & 50's


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been asked, I didn't see it. But in the sticky's for 30 somethings & 40 somethings, all that seems to be mentioned is when someone has a birthday that makes them of age for the sticky.

Is it possible to have actual forums for the 30's, 40's & 50's? Where we can have extensive threads touching on experiences, life & health during those decades from those living it, or who have already lived it, sharing tips, etc?

The forums could be a helpful place for us to share information that will help others in the same age group. It could also be a place to help younger women know what to expect and what to prepare for.
That would be great! I have tried searching for 40 something threads that deal with health or life as a 40+ lady, there didn't seem to be that many.
Been there, done that.

Women over 40 especially over 50 are not important around here. This is a forum for young women. Haven't you noticed all the threads and comments about how someone that looks good "for their age".

We've fought this fight before & lost. The 30 something sticky was started after we fought for the over 40 forum.
Been there, done that.

Women over 40 especially over 50 are not important around here. This is a forum for young women. Haven't you noticed all the threads and comments about how someone that looks good "for their age".

We've fought this fight before & lost. The 30 something sticky was started after we fought for the over 40 forum.

I remember that....we have asked for this type before perhaps since time has passed things have changed we may get it this time.

A 40's and 50's forum would be awesome there are things in that age health, career, family, financial, insurance and retirement planning that we discuss that perhaps 20's and 30's are not thinking about but if they venture into our forum it could get them thinking about it a lot sooner.
How about (in the meantime) whenever a 30,40, 50, (etc., cause you know some of us will be on here kickin' it when we're 97) starts a thread to focus on that age group, we preface it with: "Flirty 30s" "Fab 40s" "Fantastic 50s" etc. and then the thread title.

For instance, a thread in the Relationship forum about the rules would look like this: "Fantastic 50s: Are "The Rules" only for youngins'?" In the Makeup/Skincare forum "Fab 40s: How has your skincare routine changed in the last ten years?"

That way the threads are easy to find, and when the new forum comes one day, it will be easy for the mods to move them. :grin:
How about (in the meantime) whenever a 30,40, 50, (etc., cause you know some of us will be on here kickin' it when we're 97) starts a thread to focus on that age group, we preface it with: "Flirty 30s" "Fab 40s" "Fantastic 50s" etc. and then the thread title. For instance, a thread in the Relationship forum about the rules would look like this: "Fantastic 50s: Are "The Rules" only for youngins'?" In the Makeup/Skincare forum "Fab 40s: How has your skincare routine changed in the last ten years?" That way the threads are easy to find, and when the new forum comes one day, it will be easy for the mods to move them. :grin:

Great Idea!!
Great ideas UmSumayyah. I would love to see this. I have been on this board for almost 10 years. Certainly some of the board has "grown up" along with me?
Been there, done that.

Women over 40 especially over 50 are not important around here. This is a forum for young women. Haven't you noticed all the threads and comments about how someone that looks good "for their age".

Yes, this is partially why I think that it's important to have an IN DEPTH sticky. When I was in my 20's, i felt the same way, thinking that 30 was old, let alone 40, LOL!

I remember that....we have asked for this type before perhaps since time has passed things have changed we may get it this time.

A 40's and 50's forum would be awesome there are things in that age health, career, family, financial, insurance and retirement planning that we discuss that perhaps 20's and 30's are not thinking about but if they venture into our forum it could get them thinking about it a lot sooner.

My points exactly!:yep:

Great ideas UmSumayyah. I would love to see this. I have been on this board for almost 10 years. Certainly some of the board has "grown up" along with me?

Yet, another reason. This is a great board, so people stick around. Shouldn't it grow in the same vital areas as we do?
Great ideas UmSumayyah. I would love to see this. I have been on this board for almost 10 years. Certainly some of the board has "grown up" along with me?

Yes, this is partially why I think that it's important to have an IN DEPTH sticky. When I was in my 20's, i felt the same way, thinking that 30 was old, let alone 40, LOL!

My points exactly!:yep:

Yet, another reason. This is a great board, so people stick around. Shouldn't it grow in the same vital areas as we do?

Exactly! I have been here 12 years I believe there are alot more 40's and 50's on here than people think.....many times you can tell by the conversations of the 2 extremes and/or point of view in the threads.