Forum only appears on left side of screen :(

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Instead of taking up the entire screen, the forum only appears on the left side of my computer screen (like 2/3 of it) and then the rest of the page is blank . . . at first I thought it might be for ad space but nope . . . just blank space. Is there something I need to adjust on my computer? Or is this a problem everyone else is experiencing?

Thanks in advance!
It's to the left here as well, I have google chrome... There's a large space to the right with nothing, but I'm sure there will be ads there soon?
thats happening for me too. The board was already not taking up 100% of my screen before..maybe about 75%. People complained then too. Now its even less. The last time the board was 100% f my screen was about 2 years ago. Hope this gets fixed because its just silly to waste space