Former back to back weave did you repair the damage and how long?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here recovered from constantly wearing weaves? My sister has done this for 2yrs and she has decided to finally take care of her real hair and removed the weave. The only problem is that it's thin.:nono: She never had thin hair before, she had beautiful full healthy hair.......any suggestions on how to repair the damage? Btw she is 6 months post and she doesn't need a relaxer, it's very fragile. Any help will do.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your sister.:sad:
I wore weaves back to back for almost 3 years,
but I never had thinning. But I still had to do about
4 really good trims over the span of a year after I
stopped wearing them. Plus deep conditioning to get
my hair to a healthy state. I never relaxed in between
weaves. I wish I had a little more wisdom for you,
but that's all I got. Good luck to your sister. HTH
I had to cut my hair to above chin length, (the shortest it had ever been) to get rid of damaged ends and to even it out. I just wanted to have a healthy head of hair. After that it was fine because I started taking better care of it.
I would say she should get on a basic reggie of wash and DC (I can't say enough about Lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol) once a week moisturise her hair everyday with a leave-in and seal with oil for at least 6-12 weeks, she should see an improvement although full recovery would take longer. She may also want to try a topical sulphur treatment to grow her hair in thicker. She should also try at least a basic multivitamin for women. I only every had dryness issues in braids and weaves cause I used NO product at all for about 4-6 weeks but my hair grew fine I just kept cutting it. If she ever goes in a weave again she should treat it as if her hair is out. Check for more tips HTH:)