Forgive me, I may be a bit long winded with this one.


New Member
I have yet to voice my opinion on the Juanita B. situation on this board. I've since been convicted by the Holy Spirit to be more vocal.

I think my main reason for dodging the controversial threads is because it hurts....I just experienced a similar situation with domestic violence less than a year ago with my ex husband. I'm still healing from it and yes I have forgiven him.

Yes, we all have a right to our opinions so I'm about to dive a lil deeper with mine. It saddens me that Christians are so quick to speak and less hesitant to pray. As an active minister in church I know the pain Juanita is feeling and I believe she's sincere. It hurts me that Christians are so quick to turn their backs on one another. There's so much discord and schisms.:nono: Just once can't we all be on one accord and pray because if we don't know anything else...we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord that are called according to His purpose. However it ends, God will get the glory!

We must remember that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
If we all take a stand together and fight in the Spirit, we would see more good in the natural.

A couple of years ago my pastor appointed me over a ministry that assisted battered women. I had no heart for that ministry because I couldn't relate to them, the percentage of battered women who actually desire help is small. But, now that I know what they go through, my heart has been softened. Now, I can minister to other women and empower them. I actively attend domestic violence support groups. Not only am I an advocate for women who have been sexually abused, now I'm also an advocate for women of domestic violence.

I am also in the process of writing a book. Yes, a book. I want women to know that they have a choice. They don't have to live in the bondage of darkness and they can be healed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can live in His marvelous light!

Those of you who are familiar with my persona, know that I'm not a controversial or debating like person. I don't like please except my opinion in love.:kiss:

I have yet to voice my opinion on the Juanita B. situation on this board. I've since been convicted by the Holy Spirit to be more vocal.

I think my main reason for dodging the controversial threads is because it hurts....I just experienced a similar situation with domestic violence less than a year ago with my ex husband. I'm still healing from it and yes I have forgiven him.

Yes, we all have a right to our opinions so I'm about to dive a lil deeper with mine. It saddens me that Christians are so quick to speak and less hesitant to pray. As an active minister in church I know the pain Juanita is feeling and I believe she's sincere. It hurts me that Christians are so quick to turn their backs on one another. There's so much discord and schisms.:nono: Just once can't we all be on one accord and pray because if we don't know anything else...we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord that are called according to His purpose. However it ends, God will get the glory!

We must remember that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
If we all take a stand together and fight in the Spirit, we would see more good in the natural.

A couple of years ago my pastor appointed me over a ministry that assisted battered women. I had no heart for that ministry because I couldn't relate to them, the percentage of battered women who actually desire help is small. But, now that I know what they go through, my heart has been softened. Now, I can minister to other women and empower them. I actively attend domestic violence support groups. Not only am I an advocate for women who have been sexually abused, now I'm also an advocate for women of domestic violence.

I am also in the process of writing a book. Yes, a book. I want women to know that they have a choice. They don't have to live in the bondage of darkness and they can be healed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can live in His marvelous light!

Those of you who are familiar with my persona, know that I'm not a controversial or debating like person. I don't like please except my opinion in love.:kiss:


You know what? You are a true example of what it means to be a Christian. God has given you a ministry to help other women who have been through what you have recently gone through and that's a tremendous testimony.

My prayer is that others will see Juanita Bynum as a vessel of honor, meet for her Master's use and now is prepared for this good work she is about to take on. Instead of bashing her about taking this terrible situation she just endured and making money off of it, there needs to be those that pray and interceed on her behalf and all those women who have experienced this as well. For by the Grace of God, there goes I!!!

I'm always reminded of the scripture that says this:

Matthew 12:34 "... out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Whatever is on the inside will eventually come out, whether it be faith or unbelief.


Matthew 12:37 - By our words we are justified and by our words we are condemned.

May you continue to be enriched by God's Love and be restored to be empowered to do the work of the ministry!!!

Luv you and blessings to you, always......:yep:
Along with what others have said, I add the following: BE ENCOURAGED!!!! I say this because it takes courage, self-control, and wisdom to say what you have said and how you have said it here.

I've read on various message boards that folk have said they don't understand what Juanita meant when she said "I went through for others".... It's because 1) we can relate to others who have or are dealing with the same situation on a deeper level and 2) our experiences can help others AVOID going through it....

I thank our Lord for you and your obedience....
Along with what others have said, I add the following: BE ENCOURAGED!!!! I say this because it takes courage, self-control, and wisdom to say what you have said and how you have said it here.

I've read on various message boards that folk have said they don't understand what Juanita meant when she said "I went through for others".... It's because 1) we can relate to others who have or are dealing with the same situation on a deeper level and 2) our experiences can help others AVOID going through it....

I thank our Lord for you and your obedience....

You are so on point with this on point!
Aman and Aman.

I have not been abused physically, by my sister has and I've seen what she went through and it gave me a heart for battered women and children.

I've been volunteering since I was 18 and I could tell you all some stories, but you spoke what's also in my heart. Thank you

And as as the body of Christ if we can't see any good, if we can't believe, if we can't come together then there is not hope for the world.

Love ya
Aman and Aman.

I have not been abused physically, by my sister has and I've seen what she went through and it gave me a heart for battered women and children.

I've been volunteering since I was 18 and I could tell you all some stories, but you spoke what's also in my heart. Thank you

And as as the body of Christ if we can't see any good, if we can't believe, if we can't come together then...
some of us need to sit down and shut up...(sorry, dreamer...I'm at that point.)
Aman and Aman.

I have not been abused physically, by my sister has and I've seen what she went through and it gave me a heart for battered women and children.

I've been volunteering since I was 18 and I could tell you all some stories, but you spoke what's also in my heart. Thank you

some of us need to sit down and shut up...(sorry, dreamer...I'm at that point.)

I feel ya, and no apology needed.
KB, thank you for such a beautiful thread that ministers. No stones thrown at Juanita Bynum.

You have such a beautiful heart and to come out of such a sad situation and yet still love and minister is only that of a woman who has a heart as Jesus does....all love. :heart2:

God bless you...KB. Love is your Destiny and your shine. :yep:
A woman after GODS own heart. KLB I totally agree. We need to pray for both of them not gossip and speak curses. I hear your heart and I thank you for it.
Those of you who are familiar with my persona, know that I'm not a controversial or debating like person. I don't like please except my opinion in love.:kiss:


MUAH!!!!! :blowkiss:

Not a worry because there was no drama; nothing but love all throughout your post. You've spoken something that is so true and I'm glad it was said :clapping:. God bless you and your ministry, lady!!