For your viewing pleasure

thanks OP. she does have nice hair. i don't know that i rate it above other 4's but it's nice.

pics (for all video linking people, pics really really really help. pls post screenshots from the videos you link to)


Her hair is great, and I do think quite a bit more styled. Her regular trimming shows. She'd probably be comparable to Chime if she didn't trim as often. Thanks for sharing!
I love her hair. I will be 14 weeks post this Saturday and I am seriously considering transitioning..again. I have been natural before, but I didn't know all that I know know. I am so curious about using all the techniques I know about now on my natural hair. The thing is I am also learning so much about my relaxed hair. I want to make to APL relaxed first. IDK sigh...
Her hair is gorgeous!!! Does she blow dry her hair or does she naturally have a looser texture? Either way her hair is stunning! Thanks for sharing!!!
Beautiful hair. I've been stretching for the past two years and I wish I had the courage to go natural. I am tempted but the work, oh the work, I don't know if I have the patience.
I love it!!!!!!!! I admire Kimmaytube's retention but THIS RIGHT HERE?! Her hair is big AND smooth! One of my favorite heads of natural hair I've seen! And I'm relaxed! Thx for posting OP!
OH GHEEZ!! Her hair is beautiful!! When I watched her video her hair reminds me so much of my hair. Although my natural hair is only a year old in my avi. I can see my hair looking like that when it gets longer! I am coming up on 2 years in June and can't wait to see whait it will look like. :-)
Her hair is gorgeous!!! Does she blow dry her hair or does she naturally have a looser texture? Either way her hair is stunning! Thanks for sharing!!!

thaidreams this is a braid out on blow dried hair. w/o blow drying her styles are above SL. she says she's likely in the 4b range but she's not big on hair typing.
Definitely a hair role model for the 4b's - her hair is beautiful. I reckon most people would ditch their weave or neck length relaxer for hair like that!

I'm impressed - I'm 16 months natural and can't wait till it's long enough for my blow dried braid out to reach shoulder length