For Transitioners.. Do you consider yourself Natural?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently 6 months post texlax transitioning to natural. But when someone ask me if i'm natural I just agree becuase saying the above confuses people that aren't members of LCHF. :look: So what do you say when people ask you if your natural?

Side Note: I'm also in this weird inbetween stage when replying to threads geared towards naturals. I want to reply but feel i'm not far enough in my journey to give accurate advice about natural hair. All I know is now, everything is all good. No issues with my new growth or texalxed hair. But i'm feeling a bit out of place as to what my current state is when outsiders ask.
Well, while some people may not fully understand the term "transitioning", I just say that I am in the process of growing out all of the relaxer from my hair. Or if people ask me "do you get relaxers?" I just say "no" or "not anymore".

At this point, I am so far into my transition (19months) that sometimes I feel like I can more relate to women with natural hair (since I currently have more natural hair on my head than relaxed)
^^^ similar --- If people ask, I tell them that I am transitioning and then add "growing out my relaxer".
Girl, give your advice! I answer relaxed threads all of the time. :giggle: Just because I'm natural now, doesn't mean I forgot what it was like to be relaxed.
I'm one year into my transition and I have so much new growth. But no, I don't say I'm natural. I will say that I'm trying to go natural or I'm growing out my relaxer. Regardless of how much new growth I have, I won't be natural until I get ALL of my relaxed ends cut off. That's how I see it.
I couldnt tell the difference between my natural hair and my texturizer so many assumed i was natural. I never corrected them because it seemed like a hassle.
People don't usually ask me such questions but if they did I would say "not yet, I'm in the process of growing out my relaxer"
Well, while some people may not fully understand the term "transitioning", I just say that I am in the process of growing out all of the relaxer from my hair. Or if people ask me "do you get relaxers?" I just say "no" or "not anymore".

At this point, I am so far into my transition (19months) that sometimes I feel like I can more relate to women with natural hair (since I currently have more natural hair on my head than relaxed)

Same for me, I am almost 18 months post and I get confused myself. My hair looks more natural than relaxed at this point. But I'm still too chicken to cut it.
The majority of my hair is still relaxed so I consider myself relaxed. I agree with others and say that I am "growing out my relaxer".
I'll admit, I've said I'm natural:look:
Because its been 2 years, I have texlaxed strands that blend in, but its like 80% transitioned:grin: So since I have to daily moisturise/detangle/DEAL WITH natural hair, I don't go into "technicalities" and instead just call this mass of hurr Natchal:rolleyes:

But I'm not out to decieve anyone:yawn:..if someone starts a convo and asks deeper questions, I'll talk about my transitioning. It's just that most ppl want to know if you're relaxed or natural then keep it moving:ohwell:
So to save on time, I give an easy answer:yep:
I'll admit, I've said I'm natural:look:
Because its been 2 years, I have texlaxed strands that blend in, but its like 80% transitioned:grin: So since I have to daily moisturise/detangle/DEAL WITH natural hair, I don't go into "technicalities" and instead just call this mass of hurr Natchal:rolleyes:

But I'm not out to decieve anyone:yawn:..if someone starts a convo and asks deeper questions, I'll talk about my transitioning. It's just that most ppl want to know if you're relaxed or natural then keep it moving:ohwell:
So to save on time, I give an easy answer:yep:

Uh....the real question kittikat24 is when are you gonna update that fotki?!:yep:
I consider myself natural now. I have about 2 inches of relaxed ends left, in some places less than that or none at all. When I had my hair straightened yesterday, my stylist and I talked about cuting the remaining stragglers off when I go back to straigten in June. So, yep I'm claiming it! NATURAL and so glad I will never have to suffer the torture (it was for me) of a relaxer again!!!:drunk:
I usually say 'almost'. BUT people only ask me this if I'm wearing a bantu knot-out or some other textured/curly style. And they'll act fascinated "girl your hair is so pretty" and sometimes touch my hair :rolleyes: then say something like "I didn't know you were natural" or "you're natural?" then right after will say something like "girl, I could never go natural...I got that real African ****"...or you know some other ignorant black people hair statement degrading their own hair :look:

So then I feel obligated to explain to them that I twisted my hair to make it curl this way (if I say bantu knots I just get stares smh lol) and that this is not the way my hair naturally looks. Basically to let them know that "I got that African **** too homie and it's all good!" :lol: And I've found that people actually have a somewhat positive response to this. Because then they'll say something like "oh fareal?...hmm well idk lol" ....because you know, I don't want anyone to feel like they can't go natural if they "have that African ****" :D

So basically I just end up going in depth anyway.
Same for me, I am almost 18 months post and I get confused myself. My hair looks more natural than relaxed at this point. But I'm still too chicken to cut it.

Since my texlaxed hair looks soo natural most people just assume I've never had a relaxer. So when I would say yes I still have relaxed ends they would look confused thinking I just had a bad relaxer. Or "it didn't take" :lachen::lachen: So from that moment I was like "yep, i'm natural" Too much splainin' to do on my end.
I usually say 'almost'. BUT people only ask me this if I'm wearing a bantu knot-out or some other textured/curly style. And they'll act fascinated "girl your hair is so pretty" and sometimes touch my hair :rolleyes: then say something like "I didn't know you were natural" or "you're natural?" then right after will say something like "girl, I could never go natural...I got that real African ****"...or you know some other ignorant black people hair statement degrading their own hair :look:

So then I feel obligated to explain to them that I twisted my hair to make it curl this way (if I say bantu knots I just get stares smh lol) and that this is not the way my hair naturally looks. Basically to let them know that "I got that African **** too homie and it's all good!" :lol: And I've found that people actually have a somewhat positive response to this. Because then they'll say something like "oh fareal?...hmm well idk lol" ....because you know, I don't want anyone to feel like they can't go natural if they "have that African ****" :D

So basically I just end up going in depth anyway.

Yes, i've gotten this too. And I am soooooo tired of people putting their hair down and then following up with "oh, but you got that good hurr. You aint got to worry bout that" Then after me trying to convince them that their hair just needs a little TLC to see it's full potential they think i'm crazy. And there is nothing worse than wasting your energy on someone not ready to hear the truth about their hair. I try to pick my battles wisely these days.