For those with relaxed hair


New Member
Every time I go to the hair dresser my hair is silky and loks great. However, when I try doing my hair at home, blowdrying and flatironing, my hair always looks puffy. How do you all make your relaxed hair straight and silky?
Minimal products.. Just leave-in after washing, and serum after styling
I agree, I think you have to make sure you find the right products for your hair. Also it's important not to use too much (your hair will be too oily or weighed down) or too less (it will look dry and frizzy).
I'm still trying new products every now and then when it comes to blow drying my hair but I've been disappointed a lot of times.
I usually shampoo and condition my hair. Then I follow with a serum. Before I blow dry my hair section by section I spray each section with a heat protectant and then I add a little bit of pink oil. When I'm finished with blow drying I add some serum for sheen.
Well, first off, I use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. When I apply the conditioner, I massage it well into my hair and scalp, and then I put on a plastic cap, and allow the conditioner to work with the heat of my body for about 20-30 minutes. I rinse out the conditioner, and then apply a serum to my hair, and massage it in well. I comb it through to the ends, and then sit under the hood dryer for about 15-20 minutes. I don't allow my hair to get completely dry, but just barely dry. I then finish with the blow dryer, and a comb or comb attachment. I then finish with the flatiron, but before I do, I apply a bit of "grease" to my scalp. I use Keracare High Sheen Glossifier. It is light, and not greasy.

That's what I do.

One thing I have learned from all of my years of having spent literally countless hours in salons: I ask lots of questions,and I watch and observe. I ask about the products which are used on my hair, the techniques being applied, and home maintenance. I also watch very carefully. Between what I learn from my stylist, and what I read on my own in books, magazines, and sites such as this one, I am able to care for and maintain my hair well.

The best thing I have encountered is rollersets, it allows you to either have ringlets or or do a doobie which allows you to get it straight without any damage.
U might need to divide your hair in very small sections. And then blowdry and flat iron section by section.
Blowdry while wet and use a brush. Like pull wet hair with brush well blowdryer is over section, other than that all I can suggest is rollersets. I have an example in my album.
I agree with the others minimal products -use of serum and glosser.
A high quality blow dryer and flat iron.
I agree with what some of the ladies here already said (minimal of product and using the right products). Also like northernbelle said, observe closely when you go to a salon, ask lots of questions re: home maintenance. We all know that practice makes perfect. I also like northernbelle's thing about drying the hair under a hooded dryer for 15 - 20 minutes and THEN using a blow dryer. My stylist has done this to my hair. I would never let anyone blow dry my hair while it's wet wet.
I either air dry or roller set, then I flatiron. If you do a deep condtion before hand, you won't need to use as many products when you style.
I forgot to mention what I do.

For straight and silky hair, I roller wrap my hair. I use a leave-in conditioner mixed with water or a regular ole rinse out conditioner mixed with water instead of using a typical setting lotion or setting foam. After my roller set is dry (make sure it's good and dry), I remove the rollers, and add a little serum and wrap my hair. Then I go back under the dryer for a little while (about 15 to 20 minutes). HTH.
I set my hair in rollers until my hair is completely dry. I usually put the dryer in medium- high heat. And then each roller I take out, I use a firm boar brush and brush each section. And then I wrap my hair using the boar brush.