For those with mid back or waist length hair...


New Member
How is your hair cut? I don't think I can imagine waist length strands hanging in my face in the front of my head. It seems like my hair would be too heavy and too thick and I'd end up cutting it. So I was thinking layers...but then people starting screaming not to put them in
because it makes your hair look thin and is annoying to try to grow out and everything. Another reason I wanted layers is because since i usually wear my hair curly a mid back bunch of curls seems like it would look like one big blob or hair if I didn't have it in layers (most curly heads have said the same). So what do I do?

For those with waist length or mid back length hair, what kind of cut do you have? Do you ever wear it curly?
soslychic, my hair is in layers, but they have grown out. My shortest layer is near bra strap when straighten. But my hair does not bother me or weight me down because my hair shrinks to my shoulders when curly no matter what length.
The front 1/3 half of my hair is shorter (a bit above shoulder-length) gradually blending in with the back...but a quick blend. Meaning, if you just look at the back of my hair, it's not a v, but looks cut straight across.

I only ended up with my hair this way b/c I wasn't taking good care of my hair (brushing while wait, too much heat, finger twirling) and I got split ends in the front and the hair split and needed to be trimmed constantly. My hair is cut similar to Mariah Carey's when she wears it straight.

I wear my hair mostly curly now b/c it looks thicker that way.

Eventually, I want all even hair again.
wen i was midback length my hair in the back was all one lenght but the i had my hair from my ears an everything forward cut into layers from shoulder length down
When my hair was almost waist length. I maintained my bumped bangs and the rest was supposed to be one length. In that my hair was relaxed it didn't feel heavy at all...just long, lovely and sexy.
GinuwinesBoo said:
my hair is almost midback and its layered mostly in the front and i think im gonna cut some bangs

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Is your hair CUT layered or did you just let your hair grow in the natural layers? Does the layering make your hair look thin?
i actually think it makes my hair look thicker and full of body. My hair grew that way and when i used to have bangs and go to the salon they would always cut my bangs differently or pull too much hair into them and that made my hair look layered. now i just make sure that when i get trims it stays that way
I had a bang four years ago which is now below bra-strap. the rest of my hair is one lenght. I don't wear my hair curly.
My hair is in natural layers and I'm going to maintain it like that. My bangs are below my chin and my longest length is about 3" above waist. Edited to say: I have noticed about 3 layers on my head...shoulders, few inches past shoulders and then 3" above waist.