*~For those who wear French Rolls/French Twists*~


Well-Known Member
What do you use to make the roll/twist?

I saw this lady the other day and she had a big cute french roll I almost wanted to touch it coz it was so pretty. :lol: :look: But I know it wasnt all her hair it was a weave but it still was cute.

My other question is what can I use to make the roll/twist bigger without having to get a weave or use a single track of hair?


Girl...go get some weaving hair and shape your own roll. Comb your hair around it and you got a french roll. I've been making mine for years like that. You can use as much hair as you like. The hair does not have to match either cuz it blends in very well. Sometimes I have just grabbed some hair and not even shaped it...just wrapped my hair around it and kept going. I tie it up at night and I'm good to go in the morn.