For those who use no heat on 4b/4c hair


Well-Known Member
For those who use no heat on type 4 hair

Hey guys, so i decided to give my hair a break from heat...tried wash and gos....yea um that was a complete now i've been cowashing and putting my hair in a ponytail....i guess im just kinda worried that i may do some damage because my hair is not detangled right now....i cowashed it and put it in a pony at loss of what to do with my 4b/4c natural hair with no heat wondering if i should just go back to straightening it every two weeks....ive noticed that the women who have attained waist length have often times gone periods without using heat, so i figured id do the same...but i dont even know....any one else who is 4b/4c gone without heat with good did you maintain ur hair? Thank you.
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Washing and not detangling after was is no go for me. My normal routine after washing was twisting, air dry, and rocking a twist out for several days. No heat required. Occasionally I did a flat twisted updo type style. But detangling before styling is a must for my type 4 hair.

ETA: YouTube is your friend for styling how to videos :)
Maybe you can try rollersetting with magnetic rollers/flexi rods/curlformers.

If you feel like protective styling you can always do twist or braids. Or you can cowash and do twist outs or braids outs.

You can also bun it.

You have a lot of options.
I'm 4a/b. I haven't straightened my hair since December, not on purpose, but whenever I planned on straightening it, the weather didn't cooperate with my plans. In the past 7 months I've worn mini-twists with my own hair, and Havana twists, but most of the time I rock a braid out or twist out. I would keep my hair in chunky braids or twists (about 10-12) for a few days, usually Monday-Thursday, and then I'd wear it out during the weekend. My twist outs look good for a long time, but i usually bun it or re-twist and put it up after a few days since my hair rubs on my shoulders and causes tangles. My hair is currently in crochet braids w Havana twists (see pic. This is my first time having crochet braids, but if my hair stays in good condition, it will be my go-to long term protective style. image-2207935918.jpg
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I am 4a/b/c. I have no straightened since my big chop 3 years ago, mostly due to laziness and not having any salons I would trust with my hair anywhere near me.

I usually put my hair in one low braid after washing and moisturizing. It keeps my hair stretched for any out styles I would like to do later and is a style in of itself. I just roll the bread and pin it if I don't want to do anything else with my hair.
Washing and not detangling after was is no go for me. My normal routine after washing was twisting, air dry, and rocking a twist out for several days. No heat required. Occasionally I did a flat twisted updo type style. But detangling before styling is a must for my type 4 hair.

ETA: YouTube is your friend for styling how to videos :)

This is my regimen as well. :yep:
I tried that a few summers ago, it did not work for me. By the time my hair dried it was already on its way to becoming a matted mess. I haven't used heat of any kind on my hair in a year. My 4b/a hair has to be dried in a style that keeps my hair stretched from root to tip. I like bantu twist outs and braid outs. I recently tried a pin curled braid out that came out well too. Bantu twist out are my favorite though. Plain twists don't have enough tension for me to get my curl pattern stretched properly. I basically try to stretch out my curl pattern enough to promote clumping and keep knots at bay.

I seal with a Shea butter mix and stretch hair in 8 sections. The first couple nights I very lightly spritz each section in water then do 4 bantu twists to keep hair stretched and the second half of the week I just pineapple and throw hair in an up do during the day to protect my ends. I avoid glycerin and alcohols in styling products because they tend to draw water from my hair after a couple days which leads to tangles and knots.

Here are some pics of 1st day vs 4th day hair and after that its in a ponytail or bun so it's boring lol. Green jacket is first day and tan shirt is 4th. The larger bantu's make a looser curl pattern which works because my hair was already stretched prior.

bantu twist out day 1.jpg

1st day curls.jpg

3rd day bantu twist out.jpg

Sorry for the super long post. I had to learn by trial and error what worked for my thirsty kinky curly hair. I hope I'm saving you some time.:yep:
I never use heat on my hair because I workout so much. I usually bun it or do a wash n fro. I don't get tangles because I moisturize my ends daily when it's out. But I usually bun or do flat twist styles.

Every now and then I do roller sets too.

I learn from YouTube a lot. Plenty of cute styles to dupe. :yep:
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Let me just say that I am a hotgirl...I use heat on a regular basis. In between heat styling I give my hair a break (no pun intended) by wearing celie braids under wigs. I will never be completely heat free. My coils are just too tight and im not gonna risk a setback by qvoiding heat
Let me just say that I am a hotgirl...I use heat on a regular basis. In between heat styling I give my hair a break (no pun intended) by wearing celie braids under wigs. I will never be completely heat free. My coils are just too tight and im not gonna risk a setback by qvoiding heat

Prettymetty, lmbo at the ceily braids.....I was looking like ms ceily the other day myself with my plaits. Do you blowdry your hair before putting them in plaits?