For those who have used Dudley DRC28 and Aphogee 2 Step


Well-Known Member
I did a protein treatment recently with Aphogee 2 Step and while it was successful, it took a long time to get through :ohwell:. I LOVE protein and I like my hair after 2 step, but I just don't do as much as I should since it's a pain to get through.

If you have used DRC-28, what is your regimen?

Also if you used both, which one is the easier protein treatment to work with?
I've never used it, but here is an older thread I found on it for you :).



Thank you! I actually read this thread before I posted the question :yep:.

Only one poster who was relaxed stated she had used both, but since it was an old thread, I wanted to see if there any other experiences!

I think 2 Step is more popular on this forum. I'm not sure if there are many people who are hard protein users on here.
I used the DRC-28 Sunday. I put two ounces into an applicator bottle. I washed my hair in four sections and towel dried it when I got out of the shower. I then saturated my hair with the DRC-28. I put on a shower cap and got under the dryer for 15 minutes. Afterwards I rinsed it out and deep conditioned under the dryer with a moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. My hair felt great! It does leave you sticky where it drips out from under the cap. The directions actually tell you to use a cotton strip around the edge of the cap, but I didn't have any.
I used the DRC-28 Sunday. I put two ounces into an applicator bottle. I washed my hair in four sections and towel dried it when I got out of the shower. I then saturated my hair with the DRC-28. I put on a shower cap and got under the dryer for 15 minutes. Afterwards I rinsed it out and deep conditioned under the dryer with a moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. My hair felt great! It does leave you sticky where it drips out from under the cap. The directions actually tell you to use a cotton strip around the edge of the cap, but I didn't have any.

I thought it was a creamy product.....or am I getting my Dudley products confused (I tend to do that alot :lol:)?
I used the DRC-28 Sunday. I put two ounces into an applicator bottle. I washed my hair in four sections and towel dried it when I got out of the shower. I then saturated my hair with the DRC-28. I put on a shower cap and got under the dryer for 15 minutes. Afterwards I rinsed it out and deep conditioned under the dryer with a moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. My hair felt great! It does leave you sticky where it drips out from under the cap. The directions actually tell you to use a cotton strip around the edge of the cap, but I didn't have any.

So you still had to use a dryer? Hmm... I wanted to avoid that step. I was hoping that it was more like Duo Tex where you wait and then rinse out.
greight It does say not to use heat if you will be doing a chemical curl application afterwards so I assume it will still offer some sort of benefit if you don't use heat.
I realize that. I just think you can still get some benefit out of it if you don't use heat even if you aren't doing a chemical process later. I guess I wasn't clear before.
I like aphogee 2 step better. DRC28 made my hair fall out. From what I remember DRC is more expensive then Aphogee. I bought it years ago and it cost me like $60. I don't know if its still that expensive.
I have used both, but I love the DRC because it is not sticky like aphogee. Also, I believe it is a stronger protein.
I love DRC better. It is gentler on my hair , even though it is stronger than Aphogee. Yes it maybe more expensive, but it's well worth the price.

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^^^^^ Thanks ladies. I'm going to check into DRC because you guys had me with the "gentler" response. I know one of you said you like Aphogee better, but I feel ready to try something else.

I feel like I do some serious work with the Aphogee 2 step. I need a hard protein though so I would prefer something that was easier to handle.
bumping. I forgot how integral doing these protein treatments were to my regimen. Did one today!
I grew tired of sitting under the dryer waiting for Aphogee to dry a while ago. The only heavy protein I use is neutral protein filler from Sally's. Pure protein with no messiness.
I did Aphogee yesterday. I delay it to death because I hate the process. Sitting under the dryer keeping it from dripping on my face is a pain. Plus the ends of my hair never seem to dry to a crisp. Just a pain. But the results are worth it!
Kurlee What product/products did you use?

aphogee because everywhere was out of drc 28! I used to do it every month (drc 28) and my hair was so resilient. Lately, I've been noticing shedding, wimpy hair. As soon as I rinsed out aphogee, my hair felt normal for the first time in months. I don't know how I fell off.:nono: I guess I got bored of hair that gave no trouble. I am going back to faithful reconstructors (drc 28 and aphogee) monthly.:yep: