For those who have hair loss/thinning this...


Active Member
for those who have thinning hair and/or hair loss please make sure your blood pressure in in check. Recently I had to call 911 because i thought I was dying. As it turned out my blood pressure was 230/150 and I did not know I had uncontrolled high blood pressure. My hair had fallen out completely in a few different areas a couple of years ago even though I was apl. Now that my blood pressure is under control and I am taking medicine and on a low sodium diet, my hair is growing and growing back very rapidly. This could be the reason that some of us have had bouts of alopecia and other sorts of hair loss.
for those who have thinning hair and/or hair loss please make sure your blood pressure in in check. Recently I had to call 911 because i thought I was dying. As it turned out my blood pressure was 230/150 and I did not know I had uncontrolled high blood pressure. My hair had fallen out completely in a few different areas a couple of years ago even though I was apl. Now that my blood pressure is under control and I am taking medicine and on a low sodium diet, my hair is growing and growing back very rapidly. This could be the reason that some of us have had bouts of alopecia and other sorts of hair loss.

Same thing happened to me. Now that my pressure is under control my hair is growing like it did when I was a kid and my grandmother was over the care of my hair.:yep:
on the flip side blood pressure meds over time can cause excessive thinning of hair and bald spots so be careful. op i'm glad you are ok and discovered you health issue before got too out of hand.:yep:
My cousin is going through this now. Her hair is so brittle but she refuses to change her diet. She just takes her pills
that is true southern.

I take BPM but since taking the pressure issue more seriously.....

I take
**Drink Hibiscus and Hawthorn berry tea regularly (3 cups a day)
**Garlic oil pills
**Don't consume anything with caffeine
**Do deep breathing exercises (I'm a shallow breather)
**Spend more time resting
**Lay down on the floor/bed with my legs against the wall 10 mins(learned that from grandma)
**Started doing slow yoga poses (I don't do anything that will tack my heart rate up)
**Lowered my salt, I was using sea salt anyway - but now, I don't eat out, and I purchased low sodium sea salt.
**Changed my diet slightly

And most significantly - I started going to a Chinese medical doctor whose an herbalist/acupuncturist. I'm on a 30 herbal regimen.

Do you're very best to work toward restoring your BP back to normal.