For those who extend relaxers....


Well-Known Member
I am 4a/b and if I wait for like 12-16 weeks, the relaxer doesnt straighten my hair that well so I have to do the half, half method (perm front first, wash it out, then perm the back). Does anyone who waits this long get very good straightening or is there a kink/wave still left in your hair if you apply the relaxer in one go?
Is it because there is alot of re-growth to get through especially if you are self relaxing your own hair? As I get my relaxes done by my hairdresser he does not do this method but I have noticed that it takes him alot longer now that I extend.
Yes! I think it takes longer apply the relaxer when theres a lot of new growth, and when you have a time limit on how long you can leave on the relaxer, it makes it difficult to make sure all areas are covered and processed.

I'm thinking of doing the half and half method too. I'd rather do that than have a head full of underprocessed hair.
Ok thanks ladies, now that I know how to extend properly (avoid breakage via protective styling), I will do so and still use the half half method. The problem is that I never use to neutrailse the section I had done first (to avoid getting shampoo on the unrelaxed section) until I had finished the whole head. From now on I will ask someone to help to avoid unneessary shedding due to the long interval between shampooing.
lonei, I don't know what relaxer that you use but the Affirm Fiberguard has a product called Sustenance Fortifying Treatment that you apply immediately after you rinse the relaxer (see: ). Maybe you could apply this product before you are ready to wash out both sides?

When I go for three to four months before a retouch, it usually takes my stylist a longer time to straighten my hair. I am planning to go the same amount of time this go round but will be self-relaxing. I am actually trying not to completely straighthen my hair so a little underprocessing is fine by me. HTH.

Thank you Chichi, I use a no-lye relaxer and I dont know if that product is made specifaclly for ly, I'll do some research.
if u extend your relaxer, and when its time for a touch-up, does anyone leave it in longer than usual???
Poohbear, thats what the half half method avoids-overprocessing or the need to leave it on anyl onger, if I relaxed my hair in one go I would have to leave it on for longer which in the past has led to unnecessary burns.
Poohbear said:
if u extend your relaxer, and when its time for a touch-up, does anyone leave it in longer than usual???

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I talked/begged my stylist into using Affirm regular lye for 20+ minutes on June 8th on 12 weeks of new growth. "I have a scalp of steel," I assured him. "I never burn!"

My scalp burned and scabbed afterward. Not my best idea...
lonei said:
Poohbear, thats what the half half method avoids-overprocessing or the need to leave it on anyl onger, if I relaxed my hair in one go I would have to leave it on for longer which in the past has led to unnecessary burns.

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oh ok...ive never done the half/half method. I hardly get burns either when I get a relaxer touchup but when I do, they arent a major problem for me and last only a few days.
I do "half and half" every 13 weeks. I want that wave in my hair after relaxing, which is why I do it for half the recommended time.
can someone please explain the half and half method fully? do u mean you part your hair down the middle and do one side first, wash it out, then do the other side? Also how do u keep from getting all of your hair wet? Wouldnt getting it wet be bad? Im interested in this but Im not sure if my stylist would do it for me:( Actually Im shopping for a new stylist anyway after the # mine did on me last touch up. Also considering letting a friend touch it up for me, she did a pretty good job one other time I let her do it.
Leslie_C said:
can someone please explain the half and half method fully? do u mean you part your hair down the middle and do one side first, wash it out, then do the other side? Also how do u keep from getting all of your hair wet? Wouldnt getting it wet be bad?

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I relax the front first, bend over the bath and wash it out making sure not to wet the back. The hair has been parted from ear to ear. You could ask someone to wash the relaxed section out for you if they are careful. Thus, both sections get equal straightening and no sections are left underprocessed after such a long interval between relaxers.