Hi all,
i completely forgot about this amazing thread.
I started my hair regimen in january 2011 with EL/NL hair, by october I was APL my regimen then was:
-wednesday: DC on dry hair with Aubrey GPB
cowash and style.
-Saturday: prepoo with coconut oil, Dc with steamer, cowash and style.
Henna once a month.
My hair is highly porous, fine with medium density ( suffered from severe post partum shedding in november 2010). My go style was twist out
dusted regurlary.
that year my hair thrived.
now in 2012, i decided to try new techniques:
-cowashing daily
-using brush
-no more henna
-once a month a hardcore protein
-baggy method 3Xa week
-Dc once a week (overnight).
from february 2012 I started noticing mid shaft splits, splits ends all over, i stopped using the brush, but still the same.
i made it to BSB in May.
But since february I have been trimming every month ( sometimes more) to get rid of the damage on my hair.
in december I read an article on how the baggy method can cause hygral fatigue on high porosity hair.
now for 2013, I am switching back to my original reggie (with a little tweak):
-wed: overnight prepoo with coconut oil, in the morning I apply an ayuverdic mask ( brhami, amla, aloe vera powder, makka...), cowash, moisturizing DC (under steamer), style (2 strands twist/bun)
-Saturday: overnight prepoo with coconut oil, dc on dry hair with GPB, cowash, style.
-henna once a month.
so far, so good!
I moisturize my ends everyday, using loc method.
i also drink at least 2 ltr of water daily, my diet consist of majority raw food. Still need to work on the "exercice"bit
Please feel fee to criticise my reggie