For those that DC on dry hair


Well-Known Member

I've read about DCing on dry hair and I'm a bit tempted. I just wanted to know how you do an light protein treatment and a moisturising DC on dry hair? Do you mix the 2 together? I ask because I'm scared to leave my Aphogee 2 minute treatment in my hair for more than 5 minutes. If I mix it with my normal DC, not only would it be in my hair for an hour but there would be heat involved as well :perplexed

And what do you guys do when it comes to doing a clarifying wash? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the DC?

You should be fine doing the Aphogee 2 minute and a moisturizing DC on dry hair...

The clarifying shampoo would "defeat the purpose" - when I condition like this I would follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and a rinse out conditioner for slip...
Good question - not a dumb one at all. In fact I think there is a recent thread about mixing the protein/dc. I guess (and I am a newbie) it may depend on the DC. I use AO HSR on dry hair (hated it on wet hair) and ORS Replenishing Pac on wet hair. What is your DC?
you can DC on dry hair with Aphogee two min, shampoo gently... maybe only scalp, throw on your moisturizing conditioner in the shower, finishing taking a shower and rinse out.
I JUST asked this question a couple of weeks ago lol

When I DC on dry hair, I use my moisturizing DC first. After I rinse that out, I use my protein reconstructor for 1-5 minutes. Then after I rinse that out, I use a quickie rinse out conditioner to detangle/soften up the hair some if I find that my hair isn't soft enough. Then apply my leave-in and rollerset etc as usual.

On days I clarify, I wash and DC the normal way on wet hair.
It's interesting that you should ask this question right about now. I just DC'ed with Alterna Enzyme Therapy Repair Conditioner mixed with Silicon Mix for a whole day and a half on dry hair.

Just in case you're wondering, I wore my wig over it today at work. I mix them all the time and have no issues. I did not use any heat with it this time around though but I usually do.

By the way, if you are going to clarify your hair, it is best to wash and DC as usual as clarifying would be defeatring the purpose of the deep conditioner on your hair. I don't use shampoo too much anymore because they really took out too much moisture from my fine hair:nono:.