
New Member
How do you wear your hair everyday? I was thinking of doing this but the only hairstyle I could think of with my hair still wet is the curly look but I think that is damaging to my hair to wear everyday. So what do you ladies do with your wet hair everyday????
Wolftrap (cool name, by the way) ~

I wear my hair in a bun. I put it in a bun fresh from the shower. I wash at night so going out with a wet head is not a concern. HTH.
I also wash and condition mine at night, and in the morning add some type of moisturizer with water and wear my hair in a curly ponytail on top of my head.
Thanks for the compliment on the name.

I see most of you guys wear buns. Is this your real hair in a bun or is this what I see on several posts as a phony pony?

I swear I think the moderators on this site should let us have a permanent post on definitions and keep it up top at all times. It could include words such as

Phony Pony
ACV Rinse
Condition Wash
Wash and go
braid out

That sure would have helped me and I am still learning new words
When I do conditioner washes, I'll either do a braidout that night or I'll put my hair in a bun and wear a phony pony the next morning.
Wolftrap said:
Do you dry your hair first before putting it in a bun or you just go out with it damp?

[/ QUOTE ]
I put my hair in a bun while it's wet and go out with it damp (remember, I do this in the warmer months NOT in the cold months).
Hey Wolftrap

You're welcome re: the compliment. Depending on how lazy I am, lol, I'll either wear my hair in a bun (all my hair) or I'll braid it, cover it with a sandwich baggie, and tie my drawstring phonytail over it. But at night, when I rinse/wash, the bun is always my hair only. HTH!
Since I'm letting my hair do it's own natural thing, I let it air dry (in the warmer months, which isn't unhealthy at all).
In the colder months, I wear two-strand twists two weeks at a time, and I can conditioner rinse these every day as well, and they don't unravel. But I do it in the evening, so I don't have to leave the house and freeze my head off. Frequent conditioner rinsing and airdrying have been so good for my hair. It has thrived so much in the last year and a half.
To the ladies with thick hair, if you wash your hair at night, is it dry in the morning? That's the only issue that i have, i'd like to try the CO washes every other day but it's FREEZING in NY rite now and i know my hair is going to b slightly damp the next morning
Do you ladies dry it a little with a blow dryer or what?
I wash and condition my hair every morning. I put my hair in two pony tails (one of each side of my hair). I used to use the whirl-a-bun for on each section and then held it together with a scrunchie so that my hair looked more sleek but I noticed that it was pulling on my part down the middle too much so I got scared and stopped doing that. I also braid each side and roll it into a bun. I live upstate NY (and last week the wind chill reached 40 below) and I haven't had any problems. I have been doing this since August. Before I go outside, however, I tie my silk scarf around my head and then put two hats over that. I'm sure that is what has saved me from getting head colds all of the time. HTH!