? for those that add conditioners to Relaxer


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I want to start adding a little conditioner to my relaxer and I was wondering, what conditioners are you ladies adding to you relaxer? Would Humecto/Elucence MB be a good choice? Please also provide the measurements. I am a little apprehensive of how the ingredients would react to each other :look:

Thanks in advance
I used to add conditioner to my relaxers, it was usually about 4 tbsp. Sometimes it was cholesterol or another heavy conditioner that I might have on hand. I think I stopped because I was never sure if I was adding enough to make a difference, without making the relaxer ineffective. Now after I rinse the relaxer from my hair, I apply the conditioner. I let it sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse and proceed to the neutralizer. I think I get the same benefit if not more and it cuts down on the extra mixing.
I added conditioner to my relaxer for the first time the last time I relaxed. I added 1tbsp. of Suave Humectant to my relaxer. I did notice a difference in my hair but it could have been because I was out of town and water wasn't hard there. I have to try it again to compare results.
Since I bring my own stuff to my hair dresser I have her add about two tablespoons of neutural protein to my relaxer. I feel it helps my hair better able to withstand the relaxer. After she rinses the relaxer out and before she neutralizes, she puts my Humecto on for about 5 minutes.

This works well for me :) and I miss it if I forget to bring it with me :perplexed .
fletgee said:
Since I bring my own stuff to my hair dresser I have her add about two tablespoons of neutural protein to my relaxer. I feel it helps my hair better able to withstand the relaxer. After she rinses the relaxer out and before she neutralizes, she puts my Humecto on for about 5 minutes.

This works well for me :) and I miss it if I forget to bring it with me :perplexed .

The neutral protein that you used, is that a protein filler, like the one Sally's sells for precolor treatments? Can you give the name and possible mfg?

I never added conditioner to the relaxer. But I would saturate my dry hair with conditioner from root to tip on relaxer day and let it soak up. My hair seemed to be really silky and shiny after that.