For those of you mid back length and waistlength hair


New Member
Hi ladies, i was wondering for those of you have mid back length and waistlength hair, do most people think its real? i was just thinking because when i achieve my hair goals i would hate for everyone to think my hair is fake!:ohwell:
Don't worry so much about what people are thinking about your hair!

I don't know what most people think, some people ask and I tell them.
When its BSL, people think my hair is fake and its not even MBL or WL! I know they must question... I know sometimes I wonder, because someones hair can be soooo beautiful...
Most people think/know my hair is real but that could be because I never wear it straight. I always wear either a braidout or a ponytail so most don't question it....only time I've been questioned was when I was wearing a waist length half wig. IDK if the questions were out of doubt or astonishment but it seemed like the latter.
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I'm mbl and get long hard stares at my head sometimes (I've been mbl before, cut it, and am now back) I guess they want to find that track:lachen: That's mostly when I wear it straight. Haven't gotten that many stares because I've had my hair braided most of this year. Oh and I do get double takes when I wear my hair down at school. That's happened during the semester (and it's with all colors. I had a white guy in my class in May darn near fall over when I walked in with my hair down. I could feel his eyes burning at me throughout the class. And others did the whole sneak peak, but he was sooo obvious about it. I don't know if they were looking for a weave though. Probably just surprised but who knows. By the end of class I was clipping it up into a bun and then you could see the "oooh" thought process of I guess that IS her hair. But it's usually up. He ended up re writing the main love interest as a black woman with long hair:grin: It was in my screen writing class. She was blonde as the day is long, and all of a sudden she was a brown skinned black woman with long dark black hair and a generous smile..... My So, now my Fiance, upon telling him the story said I changed the poor class boy's world around:drunk::spinning:. It was the next week at the rewrite, that I discovered the adjustment to his love interest in his screenplay. Almost everything stayed the same except her description and a few tweaks of the plot. I got a kick out of that). I don't think it's a big deal if someone questions my hair. I KNOW it's real. That's their ignorance at play. I will say though to get ready for a few stares here and there cause the spotlight will fall on you for sure.
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I mean its like, we spend so much time to reach our goal for people to think our hair is fake. and to whimsy, ur right, i shouldn't care what people think, but if random people start to weave check me, there are going to be some problems, lol.
I posted this in another thread. I got weaved checked by a friend. I haven't seen her in 3 years. She rubbed her hand up and down the back of my head. I knew what she was doing, but I didn't bother me. I only straighten my hair 2-3xs a year. No one else has ever said anything to me.
On the rare occasions that I've worn my MBL hair straight to get my ends trimmed, I've had white and black hairdressers question if my hair was really mine after I took it down from my chigon. I've had some persons who simple stared, one very vigorous weave check from a co-worker, and those whose curiosity simply got the best of them so they asked. I think that it's a complement especially when there are many persons who are under the illusion that 4B hair does not grow.
Some people think it is fake when I wear it straight, and the people at my job like to come and try to put their hands all up in my hair; but then again, they do that when my hair is curly too... YT ppl are interesting.

I feel like some people are going to believe what they want to believe regardless. If they ask questions, we can answer, but they still only believe what they want to believe. When I was younger, I would get mad when people would refuse to believe it was my hair; I even let this chick at summer camp pull it to see if anything would fall out, and when nothing did, she still didnt believe me. Now, when I tell someone my hair is real and they say stupidness to me like "are you sure?", I just give them a look and keep it moving. They are not worth my time or yours.
I am only BSL, but ever since I hit APL I have been getting weave checked by my cousins when I straighten every few months. Heck, my hair is NL when unstretched, and I got weave checked at a frat party once by one of the bruhz. Thank God he was nice about it and was complimenting me the entire time (not to mention he was cute), otherwise he would have gotten a swift kick where the sun don't shine.

Like someone said, people will believe what they want to believe. My cousins were there when I BC'd and have heard me talk about how happy I am to see the fruits of my labor, yet every time I straighten there go the fingers in my scalp. It's going to be interesting when I straighten later this month, since last time they saw it straight my hair was three inches shorter. And I can't say that I "hate" when they think it's not fact, I see that as a potential learning opportunity for them.
I was wearing my hair in weaves for the past year, now that my hair is out and basically as long as my weave was, i think people assume its still the weave. Until they ask and i tell them its all mine. :)
I'm only BSL but I'm not really sure how people think about my hair. No one has asked me is it real. I think my hair looks very real. People just say that my hair looks very nice. I assume that that mean they think it's real.
Well I wear my hair up the majority of the time, but for the times that I have worn it down I have gotten weave checked, you name it. I remember a while ago when this Asian lady asked me if my hair was a wig, I replied no...then she proceeded to say "Are you sure because it is really thick and shiny!":perplexed:wallbash:....I really refrained from telling that woman about herself:hammer:
I'm near WL, and my "straighten" texlaxed hair looks like pressed, natural hair...I've never seen weave hair that looks like it. Not only do people believe my hair is real, but they also think I'm natural. :lachen:

Yes people think its fake. Sometimes they ask and I kindly tell them that its all mine. I suspect that they don't believe me. Honestly I look in the mirror sometimes and think to myself, damn my hair looks fake ahahahaha

Don't let that discourage you. There is power in long hair. It puts people and small pets in a trance and make them do whatever you say LOL j/k

ETA: Sometimes my kids will say stuff in public about my "weave" because they thinks its hilarious to see me get all mad LOL Doesn't help my cause
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I aint no where in the ball park but I say so what if they think it's fake. I'm the one who wants a ginormous twist bun and I need to feel my hair down my back once in my lifetime. Let them stay ignorant as they wanna be. I could care less about people who don't pay my bills or buy me hair products
only people who really know me and/or watched me grow it out know its mine. I have been asked many times if my hair is a weave. I take it as a compliment and giggle.
Ninety nine percent of the time, I wear my hair up in a protective style. I've been asked by coworkers of other races if my hair is real even though it's up. I tell them yes, and they will reply as follows:

1) "What do you use?"

2) "I can tell it's yours, because the texture is the same from the front to the back."

3) "Take it down so I can see. Take it down! You have long hair! Ooh, look at her hair!":blush:

4) "I would like to see your hair." As a new employee on the job for the first day, I said: "Here it is. She sees my pictures on the website, and when I went back to my desk--on the other side of the office--she said to the coworkers working around her: "There she is! Look!"

I'm reluctant to take it down a day after I oil it, but I did as you can see in Response Number 3.

When I wear it down, I get all type of compliments from strangers and friends. My jealous coworker did a horrible, extensive weave check on me--even though two months earlier, I took it down after it had been freshly cut (6 inches) by my stylist. I thought that was enough proof, because she just kept giving me hints that the bun looks like it was attached to my hair.

The silly :flyingwit thought I was lying, and she's 65 years old and looks better than me, so I can't understand what's the problem! I could have snatched her wig off and flushed it down the toilet, and then I should have done this :rocker: to show her that it won't fall off, like she thought it would.

Then there are some who just stare, :perplexed and I'm wondering what they're staring at; then it occurred to me that they find it hard to believe that it is mine, but they won't say anything.
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I am looking forward to the day that people think my hair is fake. That will make all of this hard work worth it!
Don't worry about what people think.....I get weaved check every time my hair is down...

I went to a mega church one Sunday & I had my hair in a pony-tail (a women kept getting close like she wanted to pull it) Strangers have pulled my hair before...(Crazy)

Happy Hair Growing!
I swear this thread is better than hair pics needed lol. I'm sitting in my car reading like a dirty old man LOL!

Keep it coming with the stories ladies!