For the Stretchers-Great Detangler!


Well-Known Member
I think I did a short review on this sometime ago. Mainly because I was trying different Dom Con. I am 11 weeks post and I must say this stretch has been a breeze thanks to NONI! This cond is the best detangler and softer that I've used yet! I've used it the past two weeks and it is absolutely wonderful. I was getting prepared to pull out my Silcon Mix and 10 en 1, whip up some concoctions, you know all the stuff we stretchers use when things begin to get a little rough. The only change that I've done this stretch is add Noni to my regi with heat for 10 min. The comb glides right through and very little hair is lost. I don't what this stuff is, but is definitely worth trying !

Looks like it has Balsam in it - just like CON.

My Roux Alpha 5 in 1 shampoo has balsam, as well. It does wonders for my braids - Keeping them soft and my NG shiny.

For some reason, though, I cannot seem to use this ingredient on my own hais along with cones, particularly serums and heat protectants.

My hair feels different. I am not sure why, though.

But it seems that the products with Balsam always get raves for detangling.
Janeemat - do you think this is better than Silicon Mix when it comes to detangling? TIA

Well, let put it this way. My last stretch around this time Silicon Mix, Aveda, 10 en 1 or nothing worked. I was at wits end until I believe Gym suggested adding oils to my hair as a pre-poo and comb through prior to pooing. I have not had to do that so far this time.
I usually can't get by without the doing the prepoo oil thing too when it gets rough, so if this conditioner worked without all of that, then it's worth a try. Thanks!
Thanks for the review. Girl, you know I have problems with tangles too so this is right up my alley. Can't wait until I get my hands on some.
Looks Yummi! Moisturizing or strengthing? If you could post the ingredients, that would be great!]


The ingredients are Water, Cetrimonium, Petrolatum, Citric Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Morinda Citrifoli (Noni), Ciclometicona, D-pantenol, Fragrance, Propil Parabeno.