For the Singles / Brokenhearted!


Well-Known Member
One day this week I woke up in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep; I decided to read and believe that I was led to open my book titled “Praying God’s Word” by Beth Moore.

Now, I had this book for quite awhile and read its entirety. However, the words came alive quite differently from the last time I read it. It gave me new insight, knowledge, and more understanding. As a result, I had this urge to type excerpts from this book and share with my beautiful sisters in Christ; and hope that it will encourage, strengthen, and bless you like it has done for me:Rose:.

Continued below…..
Excerpts by Beth Moore….

What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar. Proverbs 19:22. We are lying if we’re saying that our greatest need is anything besides unfailing love. The word desires in Pvb 19:22 implies a deep craving. Each of us craves utterly unfailing love: a love that is unconditional, unwavering, radical, demonstrative, and broader than the horizon… (Moore, pg 90)

You see, God created us. He made us the way He wanted. God created us with a cavernous need that we would seek to fill until we found Him. (Moore, pg 90)

No love of the natural heart is safe unless the human heart has been satisfied by God first – quoted by Oswald Chambers (Moore, pg 90)

God helped me picture something I believe all of us do virtually everyday. We each have our unmet needs, and we carry them around all day long like an empty cup. In one way or another we hold out that empty cup to the people in our lives and say “can somebody please fill this? Even a tablespoon would help!” Whether we seek to have our cup filled through approval, affirmation, control, success, or immediate gratification, we are miserable until something is in it (Moore, pg 90).

What a heavy yoke is shattered when we awaken in the morning, bring our hearts, minds, and souls and all their “needs” to Jesus Christ, offering Him our empty cups, and ask Him to fill them Himself! No one is more pleasurable to be around than a person who has had her cup filled by the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only One who is never overwhelmed by the depth and length of our need. Imagine how different our days would be if we had our cups filled by Christ first thing in the morning. During the course of the day, anything else anyone is able to offer could just be the overflow of an already full cup. This person will never lack company or affection because she draws daily from the well of unfailing love. This blessed of all believers will know from experience what the apostle Paul meant in Colossians 2:10 “Ye are complete in Him.” (Moore, pg 91)

Throughout life we will lose people who really loved us, to death or changing circumstances. As dear and as rich as their love was, it was not unfailing. It moved. It died. It changed. It left wonderful memories….but left a hole. Only God’s love never fails. Even when 1 Corinthians 13:8 says “Love never fails” it refers to the agape love of God given to us and exercised through us. (Moore, pg 91)

Be Blessed~
Praying God’s Word…..:circle:

Let the morning bring your daughters word of your unfailing love, for we have put our trust in You. Show us the way we should go, for to you we lift up our soul. (Psalm 143:8) Lord, God we trust your unfailing love, you cause our heart to rejoice in your salvation. You helped us to sing to You. Lord, for You have been good to us!

My faithful God, help your daughters to call this mind and therefore always have hope: Because of Your great love, we are not consumed, for Your compassions never fail. They are new towards us every morning; great is your faithfulness. We will say, the Lord is our portion; therefore, we will wait on Him (Lam 3:22-24).

My wonderful Savior Jesus, Your word says that as Your Father has loved You, so You love us. If we obey Your commands, we will remain in Your love, just as you have obeyed Your Father’s commands and remain in His love. You told us this so that Your joy may be in us and that our joy may be complete (John 15:9-11). We will be glad and rejoice in Your Love, O God, for you saw our afflictions and knew the anguish of our soul. You have not handed us over to the enemy but have set our feet in a spacious place (Psalm 31:7-8). When we said, our foot is slipping, Your love, O God supported us! When anxiety was great within us, Your consolation brought joy to our soul (Ps 94:18-19) Lord, we desire to bow down to You in worship. We want to kneel before the Lord our Maker; for You are our God, and we are among the sheep of Your pasture, the flock under Your care (Ps 95:6-7).

Thank you Lord for inner strength and spiritual beauty that has over taken us to be able to abide in You. You have engraved us on the palms of Your hands. You will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you Jesus that You are near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Ps 34) Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. Praise be to the God and Father our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received ( 2 Cor 1:3-4). Thank you Lord for Your unfailing love, You are a Father to the fatherless, Mother to the motherless, Friend to the friendless, Defender of widows, and a Mender to the brokenhearted, and for this we shall praise your Holy name forevermore. Amen.:heart2:
This is absolutely wonderful! And just solidifies something that God has been teching me this in the past year as I've been talking to him more and more about settling down with the person who is on my heart. I've meditated on all some of the verses you quoted, but I never truly understood their significance. I knew God would meet my needs, but I thought He would put that unfailing love in my partner as a way of meeting my needs. Then back in November a sister at church introduced me to this verse, Jeremiah 2:13:

"My people have done two things wrong. They have abandoned me, the fountain of life-giving water. They have also dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that can't hold water."

I realized that we are all broken cisterns. I envisioned Jesus as the glue that holds our broken pieces together and heals us, and He is the only one who can fill us. If we try to be filled from one another we will ALWAYS be thirsty. I'm soooooo glad that I'm grasping this more (and believing it!) because I am truly finding so much more fulfillment in my relationship with Christ alone. And all the other wonderful relationships I have are just icing on the cake. I don't have to overwhelm others (including SO) with my expectations of them because I'm so aware that all my needs are met in Christ. God is soooo good :)
I am truly finding so much more fulfillment in my relationship with Christ alone. And all the other wonderful relationships I have are just icing on the cake. I don't have to overwhelm others (including SO) with my expectations of them because I'm so aware that all my needs are met in Christ. God is soooo good :)

"Icing on the Cake" is true indeed! I so feel you!
Oh, I love this thread I almost didn't click on it because of the title (I'm not brokenhearted but I thought I may need it anyway LOL). Thanks PP for posting this. I used to listen to Beth on the radio when I used to have one of those hellishly long DC metro commutes. I had totally forgotten about her. You can hear her heart toward women in her broadcast.

Thanks again, I'm going to look into getting this book from the library if they have it.
