For the ones that comb their hair with slippy conditioner under running water...?


Well-Known Member
Do you fully detangle with a comb before getting in the shower or do you finger detangle and fully detangle with a comb and slippy conditioner only under running water? I fully detangle before getting in the shower and detangle under running water but yet I don't know if me detangling fully before getting in the shower is pointless because I will lose some hair under running water and mind as well just do it in the shower.... When I use a shampoo or cleansing conditioner, my new growth still tangles but just less with the cleansing conditioner and then I put some V05 on my hair and comb through to detangle hair before deep conditioning. Should I just cut out the fully detangling before jumping in the shower or continue to do what I do? I don't lose a massive amount of hair when in the shower but I don't want to be losing hair twice for no reason....
The only thing that works for me is to detangle in the shower when my hair is saturated with a slippy conditioner. Dry detangling has never worked for me, I end up with tons of breakage.
I fully detangle my hair before I wash it to get all the shed hair out and I dont have to detangle again. My wide tooth combjust glides through my haor. I loose little to no hair this way.
I fully detangle my hair before I wash it to get all the shed hair out and I dont have to detangle again. My wide tooth combjust glides through my haor. I loose little to no hair this way.

Because my hair can be fully detangled before getting in the shower, but after I use any cleansing agent, my new growth tangles up and that when I have to put v05 and comb it through to get it ready for deep conditioning. One time I did deep conditioning without using the v05 and I struggled to even finger part my hair and apply the conditioner. And I do wash in seconds. When I am a fresh relaxer, no problem, it's when I get new growth that's when it's a problem. I don't feel right cowashing my hair for three weeks and then only clarifying once a month because I feel it would be build up and my hair will be weighed down, but maybe I will have to do that. When I get new growth just start cowashing with a actual conditioner and not a cleansing one and then the fourth clarify because when I prepoo and rinse the conditioner out (detangling before applying the conditioner and getting in the shower) my hair is so manageable and new growth doesn't tangle