For Relaxers in Humid Weather


New Member
Curious for all that live in humid environments, such as Florida. Do you have any problems maintaining a relaxer? What precautions must you undertake to maintain your hair? As I understand it, the scalp must be dry and pores closed to receive this chemical treatment, so I am trying to find out how this is done in a place where moisture is so high. Thanks in advance.
I live in Florida, and I don't have any problems maintaining my relaxers. The hotter climate makes it harder to stretch relaxers, but I've found that if I co-wash every other day I have no problems stretching. When I relax my hair I make sure my hair is completely dry. The humidity does make my hair seem more "lifted". Sometimes this means it looks more voluminous and at others it looks puffy, but in either case my relaxers never look bone straight. I always maintain some body and my hair shrinks a little when it dries. For instance I'm a bit past APL, but at times my hair will appear to be either APL or just above it. Hope I helped and if you have any specific questions on how the climate will affect your hair I'll try to answer them the best I can.

P.S. The one thing I do suggest is to have a light leave-in for summer and a heavier one for winter (yeah, it gets colder and drier here in winter :D). That way your hair won't feel greasy and weighed down in summer or dry and brittle in winter.
I'm a native of South Florida (currently live in SW Florida) and I agree with everything Muffin stated above.

I have no problem maintaining a relaxer. The only issue I have to deal with in the summers are the hot sun (need lighter, less oily products) and humidity (which affects being able to hold certain styles).

Otherwise, the climate really has no effect on the relaxer itself.
It gets really humid out in Boston in the summer. We don't have that beautiful dry heat. But honestly, I feel that my hair is just the same. In fact, I am able to do more to maintain it with moisturizing, constant washing and the beautiful heat from the sun keeps things nice and shiny. Uh hmmm.