For Porsche19, or anyone who can help!


New Member
Hi, I'm going to relax my hair with PCJ lye in about two weeks (I'm so excited, switching from no-lye). I was wondering if you base your scalp with petroleum prior to relaxing? I know its a pretty mild relaxer, and my new growth is pretty thick, but I'm afraid that the base might inhibt the relaxer. What do you do, and what do you think? Thanks!
For me I always base my scalp because I have a sensitive scalp and I tend to scratch my scalp before touch up time. I know, it a bad habit I am trying to break.
I don't base my scalp for the same reason that you are scared to! I just be very, very,careful to not let any relaxer get onto my scalp. I never get burns and I have ultra sensitive skin.

If you decide to base your scalp, maybe you could do it with a q-tip so you don't get any on the hair.
Oh yeah, if you've got lots of new growth, buy two boxes. It only comes with a small amount of relaxer. Good luck! :)