For naturals who returned to relaxing . . .


Well-Known Member
If you were natural any time in the recent past and then went back to relaxing, I have a question for you. Do you stretch your relaxers? And if so, do you have difficulties stretching?

I'm not planning to relax, btw, just curious.
[FONT=&quot]Sorry, I did not post to answer your question. I am natural and have NO desire to put a relaxer on my hair.
But I can say that when I had a relaxer, stretching was bad for my very fine strands (too difficult to handle the two textures).
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i got my first relaxer after being natural for over 3 years in October. i stretched until mid-February with relatively no problems besides breakage which was a huge problem when i was natural. during my stretch i wore twist-n-curls.

it's not hard for me to stretch because i can't tell the difference between my relaxed hair and new growth so i just treat it all like i treated my natural hair.
I got a texlax at Miss Jessie's Salon last December after being natural for 8 years. I have to admit... I am loving it! I still have a lot of kinks & body, but it is so much easier to be versatile with my hair.

I definitely plan to always stretch my relaxers. I haven't texlaxed again yet & my stretch is going well. I have an appointment for my first touch next week, making this a 4.5 month stretch. It's going so well that I may reschedule my appointment for next month. We'll see :)
I was natural from Jan 2007 to April 2010.

I can only stretch for 12wks MAX. Anything more than that I get too much breakage.
I was natural till end of January 2011. I texlaxed and 11 weeks post. I am trying to stretch for 6 months so far the stretching is quite easy bcos I could hardly tell the difference between the 2 textures:yep:.
if i were to go back to bone straight relaxers, i would probably do 12 weeks (that was my max in my relaxed days) i would probably go longer with a texlax though :yep:
I got a texlax at Miss Jessie's Salon last December after being natural for 8 years. I have to admit... I am loving it! I still have a lot of kinks & body, but it is so much easier to be versatile with my hair.

I definitely plan to always stretch my relaxers. I haven't texlaxed again yet & my stretch is going well. I have an appointment for my first touch next week, making this a 4.5 month stretch. It's going so well that I may reschedule my appointment for next month. We'll see :)

*gasp* You did NOT get a texlax! You got a Silkener! :lol: They got the name trademarked and everything. I just don't want you to say texlax in the salon and get some sideeye LOL!!! (sorry, I'm being silly right now)
*gasp* You did NOT get a texlax! You got a Silkener! :lol: They got the name trademarked and everything. I just don't want you to say texlax in the salon and get some sideeye LOL!!! (sorry, I'm being silly right now)

Lmao! They are doing too much with the name. They know that's nothing but a weak relaxer AKA texlax :lol:
Hi mwedzi,

I relaxed a year ago and stretch for 12 weeks, its not to hard but i know going longer is negative for my extremely kinki hair, over stretching can have the reverse affect for people with my hair type...IMO. :)
I have only been relaxed a little over a year after being natural for 6 years. And before those 6 years, I was only relaxed for about three years. Point is, i've spent most of my life natural :yep:

I'm not bonelaxed and i'm not texlaxed, but I usually stretch 3-4 months at a time. Granted that I usually get a weave or braids at some point during each year, some stretches end up being for 6-8 months.

Going back to a relaxer is such an easy transition, because you are able to deal with the NG more effectively/efficiently because of the previous experience with a whole head of it.
I began relaxing again in 1/2010 after being natural for 4yrs. When I texlax, it's easier to stretch 4-6months but when I was relaxed bone straight, stretching to even 3 months was a lot harder.
I just texlaxed in March after almost 3 years natural, it's early but so far I am loving it! ..I do plan on stretching for at least 12 weeks, more if possible, but I can't say right now since I'm so early in this part of my hair journey.
I had wondered if the difficulty in stretching was lack of familiarity with natural hair. But it looks like from you all's responses that that may not be true. Thanks for the responses.
I stretch 16-20 weeks.

The only problem that I have is once I get to about 14+ weeks post, I ponder bc'ing.

Now that I know how long my hair can get, I'm not scared to start over because I know that I can always get back to wsl. Also having been natural before, there is no fear of the unknown.