For Catholics: Heresies


Well-Known Member

What is a heresy? Today it's often thrown around at people who disagree with your theological opinion or belief, or used as a synonym for "wrong belief."

In Catholicism, heresy has a specific meaning:

"Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2089)
A heretic is a baptized Catholic who denies or obstinately doubts a truth of the Faith (for example, denying that Christ is God, or obstinately doubting the moral truth of abortion being a mortal sin, etc.)

There are two types of heresy--material heresy and formal heresy.

An example of material heresy would be a person who commits heresy but does so because he has a lack of knowledge of Catholicism, or may have even been miseducated in Catholicism.

A formal heretic denies the faith with full knowledge and deliberation.

Is heresy a sin? - Yes.

Why? - It weakens and even destroys the virtue of Faith.
There's another Heresies thread, so I've pasted this over in that one. Mods, please delete this one. Thanks.
LOL. I swore up and down there was one...but didn't see it in the "for catholics" search. I still wish...well, nevermind.