
New Member
*Warning: this contains strong language lol*

If I were to die with nothing
No Material things at all
oh silly fool
Dont'cha know you will die the same
taking nothing with you
only I am wearing a Crown of Jewels
Gold Diamonds Rubies Pearls
Love Truth and Honor
I have the greatest posession in the world
I never bowed my knee to another
I never sold my soul
Not For Anything Or Anyone
In This World
No price sufficient
man, power , sex or money
or even the desire of it
Your Haughty Laughter
bouncing off walls in hell
false love
now resounding all around you
louder , L O U D E R
where is that crooked smile on your face now?
Didnt you know who you speak against
Belongs to the Most High God
I shudder to think how low you will go
I quiver to consider you shall reap what you sow
ye who wanted to gain the whole world
selfish destructer of hearts
your profit is nothing
All for naught from the start
you spinned your tail
and your web
foolish thinking your the prize
in disguise
clothed with lies
your motto
deny & justify
despise the truth
He who couldnt face me
because I knew too much
I aswered a greater call long ago
Than to lay with Man
and worship a dyck
whoa be unto them
who praise and graze in your pasture
of total mind control
' mind fux'
faster , faster
you are
fool's gold
and my soul still aint sold
Dont play
you arent grown enough yet
to know what I know
too bad I had self worth
so sad I had self esteem
got free from your mind control
hot dark anger and revenge
is all you know
Halleluah! Praise be unto Him
My God already owned my soul
never to bow at your alter
of fools gold
erected on the self righteous
lies and dishonor
Exhaulted by your dyck
it shall be brought to the ground
then you hear that lovely hellish sound
bouncing off walls
'haughty laughter'
whoa be unto the fools
caught up in your rapture
and web
They want to be saved
you they slave after
& chase after
bowed down on bended knee
They are shyt out of luck
False god
you can only offer
weak minds
mind control
and mind fux
let it be so
Let the truth of hearts be known
Let the darkness come to light
run like a filthy roach
at your own reproach
nothing escapes his sight
Come let us reap what we have sown
ahh dont tell me now you have fright?
oh weak one where now is your might?
Oh but remember? your ALWAYS right!
come what may
come what might
Let it be known
I am not afraid in the slight
Let it Rain
even pour
and all be exposed
Let it be so
Thank God I didnt buy
fools gold
and my soul still aint sold
stop the noise
you love to hear yourself talk
blah blah blah
Shift the green & Erase the Azul
It aint really even all about you
I am so sorry
I didnt bow to your alter
at your beckoning
for your offering
of fool's gold
my soul still aint sold
No matter how you tell it
For It is written
God knows
how it all truly did unfold
and the truth WILL be told
your fool's gold
wont buy you nothin then
you who love to pretend
to be without sin
all the while
you are tarnishing
eatin from within
no longer see your reflection
lost lost soul
Fool's Gold
Blood running Ice cold
Nothing more than a fable to behold
For the likes of you
My Soul will never be sold
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No offense, but your message of praising God, saying how YOU'RE in the clear and downing someone else for THIER sin gets lost in the obvious intentional cussing mixed up with "tellin the word" and how "God got you."

Because that same person you're speaking out against could turn right around and say "Um, what makes you any better than me?" and throw the same "conviction" right at you. Blessing and curses don't fall from the same lips so everything gets negated. I don't care if anyone tries to get on me (I invite them to "justify" it, but I don't play when it comes to uplifting God and intentionally using such language in the same breath.
-in love:yep:
No offense, but your message of praising God, saying how YOU'RE in the clear and downing someone else for THIER sin gets lost in the obvious intentional cussing mixed up with "tellin the word" and how "God got you."

Because that same person you're speaking out against could turn right around and say "Um, what makes you any better than me?" and throw the same "conviction" right at you. Blessing and curses don't fall from the same lips so everything gets negated. I don't care if anyone tries to get on me (I invite them to "justify" it, but I don't play when it comes to uplifting God and intentionally using such language in the same breath.
-in love:yep:

Me either. :perplexed
No offense, but your message of praising God, saying how YOU'RE in the clear and downing someone else for THIER sin gets lost in the obvious intentional cussing mixed up with "tellin the word" and how "God got you."

Because that same person you're speaking out against could turn right around and say "Um, what makes you any better than me?" and throw the same "conviction" right at you. Blessing and curses don't fall from the same lips so everything gets negated. I don't care if anyone tries to get on me (I invite them to "justify" it, but I don't play when it comes to uplifting God and intentionally using such language in the same breath.
-in love:yep:

i knew this would happen already when I posted this for her. But yeah this was about pain I was in and someone who had no good intentions towards me played many games and hurt me deeply. Its just what I wrote to help me heal in my pain. like i SAID in the other posts I dont play super saint God knows I cuss. I didnt 'curse' anyone as in the opposite of blessing. It AINT about someone's sin its about someone who is out to basically try to destroy your soul , well the writing speaks on whats its about. I predicted this type of response and its ok. It was a way of getting a point across nothing more
i knew this would happen already when I posted this for her. But yeah this was about pain I was in and someone who had no good intentions towards me played many games and hurt me deeply. Its just what I wrote to help me heal in my pain. like i SAID in the other posts I dont play super saint God knows I cuss. I didnt 'curse' anyone as in the opposite of blessing. It AINT about someone's sin its about someone who is out to basically try to destroy your soul , well the writing speaks on whats its about. I predicted this type of response and its ok. It was a way of getting a point across nothing more

No one, and I mean NO ONE should have the power over you enough that you give them that much energy to exhalt their wrong doings against you enough to bring YOU down to the point where you do something contrary and intentionally contrary against God, while "blessing the Lord". No one! Because that's doing NOTHING but stealing YOUR blessing that comes from the most High. He's the comforter so doing something contrary againts him, how is he being exalted? How is YOUR soul going closer to Him? If anything, the person who tried to destroy your soul (which IS a sin. That's what I meant), by planting that seed of anger in you that's taking you out of God's will? He's pretty much succeeding in doing that AFTER he's BEEN gone?

If anything, get that out and focus on the blessings GOD did for you. The fact that you KNEW the reaction that you'd get speaks volumes. I'm not here to attack you. I wouldn't be doing MY job as a sister in Christ if I acted as if it's "all good. Yeah, girl cuzz him OUT, God knows!" Yeah, God knows and God knows what he expects from us. If you were someone who was like "WHATEVER." or "God who?" then it would be different. But you do claim Christ, you DO believe in God so it totally changes things. When you claim him, you abide by him. We are all works in progress, but the difference comes when we do things we know are wrong and yet willingly do them and thing God is still cool with us.
James 3:9
James 4:17
If it wasn't so on my heart, I wouldn't have said anything.
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No one, and I mean NO ONE should have the power over you enough that you give them that much energy to exhalt their wrong doings against you enough to bring YOU down to the point where you do something contrary and intentionally contrary against God, while "blessing the Lord". No one! Because that's doing NOTHING but stealing YOUR blessing that comes from the most High. He's the comforter so doing something contrary againts him, how is he being exalted? How is YOUR soul going closer to Him? If anything, the person who tried to destroy your soul (which IS a sin. That's what I meant), by planting that seed of anger in you that's taking you out of God's will? He's pretty much succeeding in doing that AFTER he's BEEN gone?

If anything, get that out and focus on the blessings GOD did for you. The fact that you KNEW the reaction that you'd get speaks volumes. I'm not here to attack you. I wouldn't be doing MY job as a sister in Christ if I acted as if it's "all good. Yeah, girl cuzz him OUT, God knows!" Yeah, God knows and God knows what he expects from us. If you were someone who was like "WHATEVER." or "God who?" then it would be different. But you do claim Christ, you DO believe in God so it totally changes things. When you claim him, you abide by him. We are all works in progress, but the difference comes when we do things we know are wrong and yet willingly do them and thing God is still cool with us.
James 3:9
James 4:17
If it wasn't so on my heart, I wouldn't have said anything.

Girl but we cant deny their are women everywhere worshipping at 'that alter' spoke of here. Controlling men abusing them and out to destroy them and women steadily bowing at the alter of their 'dyck' now really girl this is real! and it happening all the time and men think of it that way too, well the type of men I am talking about here, control with the dyck, egofied over it and expect a weak minded woman to bow over it. sadly soooo many women do. Now as far as this writing it was for my healing and it was badly needed, not so much that I gave him that power, but more so that he took a large chunk out of my life with nothing but a hidden agenda to wound me and destroy me. and yes its hard to find out someone could have that heart or soul and how many women dont care, they still bow and worship that man to not be alone! They take the abuse, the control, the lying, the denying and justifying and still want to call it love, but really they are getting mind f'kd! Its sad , and I wrote this years ago and Thank God I did heal and believe it not it was very instramental in my healing, whether it has strong language and I do understand I WOULNDT be up in church cussin , but I aint gonna lie I might in the parking lot and thats just being real not putting on the 'saint' super cape, cause it dont fit me! so I wrote this just out of my realness NEVER EVER IN ANY way to be against God or to take away from oh my the LOVE i have for him. no way! I understand its somewhat contradictory in the colorful language and not easy to recieve for some but trust this I dont take away from my love for fact this whole writing is about standing with him and not letting these evil intention fools take me away from him being first! thats the msg! in between all the language! thats it!

When I wrote this I was hella pain right in the thick of it. and it just had to come out out how it came out! And believe it or not it was soooo instrumental in my healing-which is why i shared it-someone never having been there-almost destroyed inside by a plot against your soul-might not get it-but the reason I shared it was because I felt she needed to understand there are devils out there finding all kinds of alters for you to bow at in your weakness to take you from what you know , about yourself and God, and you have to fight to make sure your soul dont end up sold. We have all seen the ones that are sold, a man on their arm, with no self worth , just bowed down at the alter of their sick games, messing up her head. Its so many layers of what I was writing about and I was real hurt and angry at the time, and this is how I got it out
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I enjoyed reading your prose. It was very much from that place you were at the time and no doubt helped you heal.

How you deal with demons...your own or those you encounter...your walk with God...all belongs to you. And it's just that YOUR walk with God. Not anyone else's. No one else can take that walk for you or with you.

I cannot even begin to understand when someone else want's to dictate that to you. I am a woman, not a God. Not an angel, I haven't earned them wings yet. I am not perfect. My imperfections run deep and are bountiful.

My life here on earth is my time to get it right. If we were born right, well first of all we wouldn't have to be born. But let's just assume we came here with it all together, what would be the point of being a human. As humans we are bound to make mistakes and repeated mistakes.

We are all flawed. And if anyone believes they are not, then that is the biggest flaw of all. Not knowing that you need work...can and will be hazardous to your health. You'll be stepping in front of trains talking bout "God got this". That will get you dead, only to be re-born so you can come back and once again try to understand you are a h-u-m-a-n and here to take the time to know you ain't there yet. You ain't GOD. No one is perfect. We get it wrong so we can learn how to get it right.

That is the only way we can learn. So that when it is time to return we don't take all our ish up to Heaven and piss everyone off up there. So girl, do you...continue to do you. Cause can't no one else do it for you.
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I enjoyed reading your prose. It was very much from that place you were at the time and no doubt helped you heal.

How you deal with demons...your own or those you encounter...your walk with God...all belongs to you. And it's just that YOUR walk with God. Not anyone else's. No one else can take that walk for you or with you.

I cannot even begin to understand when someone else want's to dictate that to you. I am a woman, not a God. Not an angel, I haven't earned them wings yet. I am not perfect. My imperfections run deep and are bountiful.

My life here on earth is my time to get it right. If we were born right, well first of all we wouldn't have to be born. But let's just assume we came here with it all together, what would be the point of being a human. As humans we are bound to make mistakes and repeated mistakes.

We are all flawed. And if anyone believes they are not, then that is the biggest flaw of all. Not knowing that you need work...can and will be hazardous to your health. You'll be stepping in front of trains talking bout "God got this". That will get you dead, only to be re-born so you can come back and once again try to understand you are a h-u-m-a-n and here to take the time to know you ain't there yet. You ain't GOD. No one is perfect. We get it wrong so we can learn how to get it right.

That is the only way we can learn. So that when it is time to return we don't take all our ish up to Heaven and piss everyone off up there. So girl, do you...continue to do you. Cause can't no one else do it for you.

Awww that was truly beautiful and thats exactly how I feel! I'm too busy trying so damn hard to get it right ,not by appearances, but by the real tests, battles, trials, there aint no time to play 'pretty saint' for anyone. This was written about a real plan against my soul to almost take me out of here. so you know......yeah I'm so glad you could see where it was coming from :hug3: