Foods that inhibit hair growth...Know any?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone name some every day foods that are bad for hair growth....You know, the stuff that many of us find it hard to stay away from or dont even realize that they are bad for our hair...
My problem is:
caffine...I just cant put that darn coffee down in the mornings

I cant think of anything else at the moment.

How about you guys?
Yes Gvsugirl, I like that vanilla coke too...but I put it down months ago, because I felt that morning coffee was enoughof a problem for me.

Yep, that old killer sugar. It's in just about everything, even things we THINK are safe.
I am referring to simple sugars, found in simple carbohydrates like, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pies, table sugar. The ones that are process quickly and stored as fat if you.
All the good stuff.
I've noticed my hair appears darker since * stopping* the simple sugars.. and I read that caffiene helps (one ) stay overweight...not good news at all..
I've kind of always just thought all junk foods would generally be bad for hair, and healthy foods are good.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Can anyone name some every day foods that are bad for hair growth....You know, the stuff that many of us find it hard to stay away from or dont even realize that they are bad for our hair...
My problem is:
caffine...I just cant put that darn coffee down in the mornings

I cant think of anything else at the moment.

How about you guys?

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too...I can't put the coffee down either. I'm enjoying my second cup right now. Aaaah, so good!
Another suggestion is to limit your salt/sodium intake. Excess intake of salty foods and table salt can inhibit hair growth by restricting the blood flow thus reducing the amount the circulation required to produce an effect hair growth pattern.
Processed foods such as white flour, white sugar,white rice,white bread, all junk food such as sodas,chips,candy etc. Instead, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, brown rice, whole grain bread, fresh juices etc. and drink lots of water.
I have a huge problem with excess intake of salty foods.

I didn't even know it could inhibit hairgrowth...
I think this could be another challenge for me
I dont drink sodas because the sugar and the phosphoric acid in it is bad for your tooth enamel if you drink it a lot. I only drink coffee when I know I need to stay up. But I do have a sweet tooth. I never heard that excess salt can inhibit hair growth. That's good to know.
I don't drink soft drinks that much (no more than 1 per 2 weeks) because the citric acid will wear away the tooth enamel making you more subsceptible to cavities even faster than pure sugar will. (Told that by my dentist and read that in an article in Fitness magazine). Anywho, I second the caffeine. I try to drink at least 2 liters of water a far so good.

P.S. When I was drinking a lot of sodas, I had a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and twice after that the doc said I had bacteria growing in my urine culture which=bladder infection or kidney infection. So, I stopped with the soft drinks. I know this is TMI, but soft drinks taste so good, but are really pretty bad for health, IMO. I see people come in the store and buy like six 12-packs of Coke, and I think kidney failure in older age. :ohwell:
Sodas are the enemy! I can voucher for that. Diet, caffeine free, even Ginger Ale = ALL BAD. Walk away! I can voucher for this. I slipped up and had a weekend of drinking soda and ate one candy bar and my face looks like the result of a volcanic eruption. No lie. I wasn't honeymooning long enough to see bad results in my hair but my college years of slow to zero growth are testimony enough. Back to water and diluted juices for me.
I've been drinking so much water for the past couple of weeks, I feel like a fish. I hope it will combat the massive amounts of sugar i put in my morning coffee. I don't drink sodas and I really don't drink fruit juices either, but coffee and tea are my weak spots.
I will tell you what's scary I pour a can of coke to clear my clogged bathroom drains, and it works! Just think what is this stuff doing inside of your body?
I wrote a paper about the chemistry of hair, things affecting it and etc. Seems like Caffeine, carbonated drinks, stress and too little sleep can affect growth. Also, not getting the proper vitamins in your diet to helps deliver oxygen/blood properly to hair follicles.

I've also learned, eating/drinking protein will do nothing for the hair. You actually want to incorporate the amino acids kertain protein is made up of (the building blocks) into your diet. This will help strengthen the disulfide peptide bonds and increase hair growth interally.

So ultimately, increase L-Cysteine, serine and etc. But these amino acids work better if taken with Selenium, Vitamin E and C.

sorry for the cliff notes, edition, but if you want more information, i'd be happy to share.
FashionistaNY said:
I wrote a paper about the chemistry of hair, things affecting it and etc. Seems like Caffeine, carbonated drinks, stress and too little sleep can affect growth. Also, not getting the proper vitamins in your diet to helps deliver oxygen/blood properly to hair follicles.

I've also learned, eating/drinking protein will do nothing for the hair. You actually want to incorporate the amino acids kertain protein is made up of (the building blocks) into your diet. This will help strengthen the disulfide peptide bonds and increase hair growth interally.

So ultimately, increase L-Cysteine, serine and etc. But these amino acids work better if taken with Selenium, Vitamin E and C.

sorry for the cliff notes, edition, but if you want more information, i'd be happy to share.

My old hairdresser told me that sleep affects your hair and when she told me that I didn't really take her seriously.Maybe that's why my hair never seems to grow. I never get enough sleep. I also heard lack of sleep may be linked to acne as well.
jancan7 said:
I will tell you what's scary I pour a can of coke to clear my clogged bathroom drains, and it works! Just think what is this stuff doing inside of your body?

Yeah, you can pour Coke on car battery connections to get rust/corrosion off them. Bad stuff. :yep:
FashionistaNY said:
I wrote a paper about the chemistry of hair, things affecting it and etc. Seems like Caffeine, carbonated drinks, stress and too little sleep can affect growth. Also, not getting the proper vitamins in your diet to helps deliver oxygen/blood properly to hair follicles.

I've also learned, eating/drinking protein will do nothing for the hair. You actually want to incorporate the amino acids kertain protein is made up of (the building blocks) into your diet. This will help strengthen the disulfide peptide bonds and increase hair growth interally.

So ultimately, increase L-Cysteine, serine and etc. But these amino acids work better if taken with Selenium, Vitamin E and C.

sorry for the cliff notes, edition, but if you want more information, i'd be happy to share.
Interesting! So increased protein intake doesn't affect hair growth?
Should one take a supplement with all the amino acids or take certain amino acids? If there are specific amino acids, which ones besides L-Cysteine? Will L-Cysteine and Vitamin C be sufficient enough???

I don't really understand how protein can not be helpful...its made up of amino acids!! I know not all protein is created far as which amino acids are in them but my protein shake has 300+ grams of L-Cysteine and I take a digestive enzyme. Could you explain this more pls.
:confused: I'm a little confused about the protein intake thing.My diet is currently high in protein due to weight loss but I find that during the times I increase my protein intake my hair grows faster and also becomes stronger.My sister has also experienced the same thing.She recently went on a high protein diet to loose 15 lbs but also gained about 3 inches of hair and because she has no desire for long hair she has had to cut her hair twice.Also, my hair is currently 26 inches long and I cut 4 inches off my hair in late October early Novemeber and I have grown my 4 inches back and had about an inch cut this past weekend.If your hair is the extension of your scalp and your hair is made up of protein that your body produces then I don't understand why eating protein wouldn't help your hair to grow.Also, I thought the body went through a metabolic process called Protein Synthesis?

I believe sodas and simple carbohydrates inhibit the growth of hair.I believe if you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and lean meats and drink lots of water then your hair will grow.One important thing to remember is to eat foods that are rich in Beta-Carotene.I believe the hair is a living and breathing organ and should be treated as such.
I read that artificial sweetener is bad for your hair. I didn't believe it and I kept on drinking diet soda and eating sugar free Jello. I got to the point where I was drinking a can of diet soda every day at lunch and having 1 or 2 glasses of diet soda at home (well, at least it was all caffeine free). One day hairdresser asked me if I was on any medication because my hair was coming out so badly when she was combing it. I had been going to her for 11 years and she had never said anything like that about my hair before. (I'm not on any medication.)

After I started having water with my lunch and I cut way back on the diet soda (I still drink it, but not every day), my hairdresser asked me if I noticed how soft my hair had become.