Food Grade Avocado Oil Much Better...


With Love & Silk
I've gone back to my original avocado oil (purchased in the food section of health food stores or grocery stores) and realized it's better than the avocado oil I'd purchased from Snowdrift farm.

Just wanted to let you know that there is a difference.
Thanks for the feedback. I thought about using the avacado butter, but I'm afraid it will be too heavy, so I might give this a try.
I just tried food grade avocado oil yesterday, and I have to give it a thumbs up! I liked the consistency, the way it absorbed, the feel.
What brand is the food grade? I'm eyeing a 4oz bottle of NOW Foods brand at by health food store . . .
I like it too and use the food grade. It's worked better for me than EVOO, Almond, Shea.... I won't continue! I use the Tree of Life brand, which I found in a health food store w/other cooking oils.

NOW is a tricky brand they've gotten me on a few occassions. I don't think they make much in terms of food-grade products though. Spectrum makes both, but if you go to the section w/regular cooking oils you'll know for sure what you've got!
sengschick & sherrylove, thanks for the heads-up before I go spending in the wrong dang thing! Good looking out . . .
My Grandma always said you can't buy nothing better for your hair then what you can find in your kitchen.