I notice you ask about vitamins and supplements on this site and another site.
I think basically you should focus on healthy balanced meals, and try to stay away from processed foods. Unless you lefting and exercising vigourosly watch those protein shakes, they can cause you to gain weight and you can get protein toxicitiy ( symptoms include excess fatigue). Try just eating chicken, fish , tuna, eggs instead of those shakes, don't over do it for hair growth. Remember even too much of a good them can be bad.
You hair will grow with healthy intake and retaininng the hair that's on your head. I notice you said you a teen, so just focuse on good foods instead of supplements for now.
You nutritional needs will change as you get older, the most you should take is a good mulitvitamin and maybe an essential fatty oil ( fish or flawseed)now.
Do some google searches. You hair will grow on average 1/2 inch per month. Make sure you mositurize and deep condition.
Rosemary and peppermint are good scalp stimulants, do searchs on that on both forum sites.
P.s: try not to bump so often and do searches ( in the forums and the interent) on topics you are interested in before posting, there's alot of info on these forums and the internet. good luck with your health and hair journey.