Following the Quarterly Bible Study


Active Member
I'm starting this thread as a way to respond to the quarterly bible study lessons. I made a separate thread just to have my thoughts here instead of in the "lesson plan" thread. Please feel free to discuss my responses here with me, in a respectful way of course.:grin: The feedback would certainly help me on my walk.

Just some background. I got saved on February 17, 2002 my senior year in high school and it has been one of slow growth. I have trouble doing anything on my own, I'm not a good self motivator. I'm a procrastinator and a daydreamer. I have recently lost my job, I was able to collect unemployment but I may as well have not collected it as it is not enough to help with anything. I did find a part time job but at minimum wage. Because of a misunderstanding with the unemployment weekly questionnaire I now owe them money :wallbash: I have exhausted all of my savings and all the while still looking for a full time job with most of them resulting in no calls...not even to tell me no. So I recently came to the conclusion that I am tightly bound by the spirit of fear.

I'm afraid of failure, afraid that there will be no second chances, afraid to move out of my comfort zone because there is no one to lean on, afraid to lean on others because I will ruin there reputations and because I don't want to ride on their coat tails. Afraid of being stuck as someone with potential who eventually fades into a dud.
I do not know who in my life has spoken this into being but in order for me to defeat it I need a new and fresh vision of Christ; who he is and what he wants to do in me and through me. And my first step is to get back into the word like I have in the past. This is my prayer. To get back on the path of being financially stable this needs to come first. Because when I do I can apply for jobs and not settle for better but claim the Best that God has for me.
Sorry for being long but I really needed to get that out and have prayer warriors help me in this. Thank you!!!
Aug 1, 2013
Spirit Led Obedience:
Read Phil 2:5-8, Rom 8:12-17

A focus on Romans 8:12-17:
In Romans 8:12-17, he describes the “spirit of bondage” and the “Spirit of adoption.” What does your own experience with the Lord, with faith, with the struggle against sin, and for acceptance with God tell you about the meaning of these terms?

Spirit of Bondage: This has a broad meaning as it could range from fear to pride to sexual perversion. Even finances can be a bondage. I have a fear of being in dept for the rest of my life.

Spirit of Adoption: I am unfortunately less familiar with this. I have spent a lot of my time drowning in my condition to truly focus on what I have gained by being called his. I know I can call on him in my time of need but I feel as if my prayers go unheard. Then doubts creep in and I find myself doing it my way and that never turns out good.
My focus is Galatians 6:2-18
New King James Version (NKJV)
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

I'll be back
I know its been a while but this is the first time I am able to sit and write, so jumping right in:

Friday Aug 2

Passages: Acts 5:1-11

1)What can we learn from this powerful, and to some degree, frightful story? Why do you think that they faced such dire consequences for their actions?

The consequences were great because the Holy Spirit was telling them to move but they tried to deceive it and paid the ultimate price.

2) Dwell on Thursday’s study, which talked about how Jesus had “emptied Himself” in order to fulfill what He came here to do. How can we take that principle and apply it to ourselves, in our walk with the Lord? Why especially, as we seek for revival and reformation in our lives and in the church, is this kind of self-denial and death to self so crucial?

It is crucial because we must lay aside out plans as man so that we may fulfill His purpose. When our plans are in contradiction of God's purpose we enter into a state of confusion and God is Not the author of confusion.

3) “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 26:28). In class, talk more about the implications of those fateful words.

This speaks to me about how some people plant the seeds of faith while others water it, but on the other hand it reminds me how tomorrow is not promised. Should I or anybody else be doomed for all eternity because we did not decide today to follow The way, the truth and the life? But He gave us free will to make that fateful choice.
Sunday Aug 4

passages: Acts 5:30-32

1) Repentance and confession are common themes throughout Acts (Acts 17:30-31; 26:19-20). It is “the goodness of God” that leads us to repentance; it is the convicting power of the Holy Spirit that brings us to the realization of our need for a sin pardoning Savior. At the same time, we must remember that the Holy Spirit does not fill unrepentant hearts (Rom. 2:8; Acts 2:38-39; 3:19). The Holy Spirit fills hearts emptied of selfish ambition, of the desire for personal recognition, and of the drive for personal glory.

Why is it so difficult to acknowledge our sins and repent of them? Why is it so easy to let self get in the way of true repentance?

It is difficult to acknowledge and repent of out sins because we do not want to face our faults; out ugliness.
It is easy to let self get in the way because we are human: 'feeling' creatures, who do what we feel. This world has taught us that our feelings are right and true when in fact, they are the very thing that lead us to our 'ugliness'.