Following Directions


Well-Known Member
Do you follow the directions on your products for example conditioners for how long to leave them in your hair or do you decide on your own how long to leave it in before rinsing out? What do you base your decision on? Also, do you think it is harmful to leave on longer than directed on the package?

I noticed some posts and even through my own experiences that by leaving a product on longer than the suggested time can actually yield negative results as opposed to the results the package indicates.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks Hairlove. When you deep condition do you use a conditioner that specifies that it's a deep conditioner or to use it with heat?
hairlove said:
I typically leave my conditioners on for the suggested amount of time.

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I use the manufacturers' instructions as a guideline and make adjustments for my own hair when I feel it's needed.
I follow directions when using serious chemicals like relaxers. I don't do more than one lathering when I shampoo as some shampoos direct, unless I have product buildup. Conditioners I leave on longer than directed because I hate sitting under the dryer, so I let my own body heat work on the conditioner under a plastic cap.
I don't really follow the directions. As for treatments (like Aphogee) i definately follow the time frame. But for deep conditioners (like humecto, cholesterol, GPB) I never succeed an hour but I have left products on my hair for 45 mins.
I usually don't follow any directions except for when it comes to color and protein conditioners. Usually it says on conditioner bottles to leave the conditioner in for 2-3 minutes and then rinse. I leave it in for up to two hours on some days. It depends on what I have to and how much time I have.
I don't think that it is harmful to leave regular conditioners or oil treatments in your hair longer than the suggested time on the bottle.
I follow the directions with protein conditioners, relaxers, and most moisturizing condtioners. To prevent over condtioning I don't recommend leaving moisturizing conditioners on for longer than maybe 20-30 min unless you do more protein or if the product contains protein. The last time I did a long conditioning treatment, I went to sleep in some lekair cholesterol and my hair began to "melt" off. Needless to say that I have not done an alnight conditioning treatment in a very long time.
sithembile said:
I follow the directions with protein conditioners,I once left Joico kpak for 30 mins,my hair was like crispy duck!

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"Crispy Duck"
I generally follow the directions with protein conditioners, but sometimes I let moisturizing conditioners sit on for longer. My hair needs all the moisture it can get!