Folic Acid and you Hair *Do I Smell A Challenge?*


New Member
So about a week or so ago I went to the doctor and during our conversation he casually mentioned that folic acid builds keratin in your hair. The reason why most women during pregnancy experience incredible growth is because they're taking double the amount that's recommended for non-pregnant women. I did some research and it all basically supports what he said. Folic acid aids in DNA and RNA synthesis and taking it has been shown to cure baldness in rat and premature graying and hair loss in humans.

There are three fundamental vitamins which work in conjunction to help the human body synthesize DNA and RNA: Vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Hair is part of the epidermal layer and therefore part of the integumentary system--the body’s largest organ. As such it is as dependant on these three vitamins as any other organ.

Some believe that because of this if you take folic acid on a regular basis it will aid in the prevention of hair loss. It is essential for the production of normal healthy cells, so if you take folic acid you will have healthy strong hair along with other tissues in your body.

Theres plenty of info online that you can find about it, so maybe if you feel like you're having slower growth you'd like to check your folic acid intake and see if that's what you're missing. :)

here's a good article
I've had two babies and my hair grew like crazy with both of them. Everyday was a good hair day!

I continued taking the same prenatal as I did when I was pregnant, and the hair growth is NOT anywhere near the same!!! The vits may help, but there's something "else" about being pregnant that gives radiant hair.

I still take a the same prental everyday and it's been almost two years since I had my DD.
yea i think this just kinda stresses the importance of taking a multi-vitamin along with the other vitamins you're taking. While biotin and msm can be considered food for your hair you need to folic acid to help your body make the most out of those supplements.
I've had two babies and my hair grew like crazy with both of them. Everyday was a good hair day!

I continued taking the same prenatal as I did when I was pregnant, and the hair growth is NOT anywhere near the same!!! The vits may help, but there's something "else" about being pregnant that gives radiant hair.

I still take a the same prental everyday and it's been almost two years since I had my DD.

My doctor said that when you're pregnant your RNA synthesizes differently, I guess it can be considered better, because you're body is forming new life so it has to work harder. The folic acid is what helps/supports your body while it's already doing that. So I dont think he was saying that folic acid is the root cause of everything that happens but I think its more like a support thing. And when non pregnant women use it, it provides more support to our RNA functions the same way it does for pregnant women
I've had two babies and my hair grew like crazy with both of them. Everyday was a good hair day!

I continued taking the same prenatal as I did when I was pregnant, and the hair growth is NOT anywhere near the same!!! The vits may help, but there's something "else" about being pregnant that gives radiant hair.

I still take a the same prental everyday and it's been almost two years since I had my DD.

It's the hormones associated with pregnancy that increases hair growth & reduces shedding. That's why when women are pregnant their hair grows faster and is thicker. When women give birth, the hormones start to go back to their normal levels & that why the shedding occurs. It's recommended to continue to take their prenatals to try to curb the shedding.
Well, my hair grew like crazy when I was pregnant, but I did eat really well and I exercised throughout my entire pregnancy (swimming and walking).

I might be down for a challenge. I take take a multi-vit now that has quite a bit of folic acid....haven't noticed mega-growth from it, though.

I didn't experience postpartum shedding - never even heard/thought of it until LHCF. I did as my doctor recommended and continued my vits for a year after giving birth.
I have sickle cell disease and have been taking folic acid daily since I was a small child. It helps me to produce more of the healthy red blood cells I need. My hair grows normally...sorry to disappoint you guys.
awww this is so disappointing, lol. But i guess if folic acid builds keratin that wouldnt really affect the rate of growth but instead the hair structure or strength? I'm going to take a daily vitamin with folic acid and see if I notice anything, although I wont be able to say it's directly related to the folic acid. Maybe I"ll just buy a folic acid supplement....
I have sickle cell disease and have been taking folic acid daily since I was a small child. It helps me to produce more of the healthy red blood cells I need. My hair grows normally...sorry to disappoint you guys.

But maybe it doesn't work for you because people with sickle cell need more folic acid than those who don't have it. So like, while you take it every day, your body uses the vast majority of the folic acid to make more healthy blood cells.

For people who don't have sickle cell disease, I feel like their bodies aren't using up all the folic acid to do important things like produce healthy blood cells, because there's no need. The body may use some to bolster the count, but it's not like it needs all of the extra folic acid, the way that your body does. So maybe the extra folic acid not being used is free to do less important things, like make the hair grow faster.

It makes sense to me, because I know that when I started taking supplements, it took a while for me to see a difference in my hair, but I felt physically different sooner. I figured that it was because they were busy putting right all the other internal and important things, and then got to my hair and nails when everything else was set right.
very interesting, my doctor prescribes folic acid (1 MG/1,000 MCG) and I have never paid attention to hair growth (I guess I will checking from now on :yep: )
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My vitamin regimen includes so many hair aiding nutrients it is ridiculous I probably get 2x the RDA for folic acid a day.
It's the hormones associated with pregnancy that increases hair growth & reduces shedding. That's why when women are pregnant their hair grows faster and is thicker. When women give birth, the hormones start to go back to their normal levels & that why the shedding occurs. It's recommended to continue to take their prenatals to try to curb the shedding.

You said it! Folic acid is great for your health, but as a 10+ year taker of prenatal vitamins, I can say your hair will not grow faster:-(
I'm going to start taking my RDA of folic acid and maybe a bit more and see what effects it has on my body. My doctor never said it'd make your hair grow faster it he said it builds keratin, so I know my hair loses keratin when I get a relaxer, so I think taking folic acid will be a good way to internally counter the protein loss.
I take Brewers Yeast almost daily which contains Folic Acid, and my nails have been growing like crazy, perhaps it's related.