flexi rods

what size/color are you using and are you doing it wet or dry?

I use the red ones and when i do it on dry hair i use 7-9 and when it is wet i use 12-15 for tighter curls. There is a picture in my fokti with the rods in
I am currently wearing that look to help stretch my relaxer. I used 25 of the yellow ones.
hi, the ones i have is 1/2" only have 18, will get 12 more to be on the safe side. planing to use on wet hair.
Thanks everyone for the response.
I'v only done a set on dry hair and use 6-8 of the blue or gray ones. I have some pics in my Fotki.
I checked all you guys fotki, It looks like to get thighter curls you need more rods and less rods looks more wavy. Will try both and see which one I prefer.