Flexi-Rod Set Progress (Pics)!


Well-Known Member
The first two pics are from a flexi-rod set that I did a little over a year ago.

The last pics are from my most recent set. Did these a couple days ago. And they hadn't even dropped yet since these pics are from the first day. Yay! Progress. They've gotten so much longer. When they drop, they're on my shoulders. :D

Sorry they're a bit blurry. Took em with my Blackberry. Next time I'll grab the real camera.


A year ago




I know your hair is beautiful. But I found myself looking at your smile more. You're gorgeous!

Aww, that made me blush. :)
Thanks so much!

They look great. Your dimples are so cute!!! Q

Thankies! And my jaw was kinda swollen. Had to go to the dentist. I can tell but not sure if others can. It looks like I had something in my mouth. lol

Hey you're my twitter buddy!:yep:

Great progress! Love your curls and smile!!

:D Thanks. I'm always smiling!
"My lip gloss is poppin'! My lip gloss is cool! What'chu know 'bout me? What'chu, what'chu know 'bout me?"

Very cute indeed. Nice work!
OOh fabulicious! I love flexi-rods. It takes me less then 10 minutes to put in. And when you wake up after a nights rest the hair is looking fab! Way better than rollers, for the lazy folks.