Flexi-8 Hair Clips


Well-Known Member
John Dorsey and the Flexi-8 Staff wanted the members of LHCF to know that they appreciate our business. I spoke to him on the phone about 3 weeks ago. This company offers an exceptional product and even more exceptional Customer Service! The Flexi-8 Clips are wonderful for up-do's, buns, etc. Thank you D Lewis, Tee and all of the other LHCF members that shared their experience with this product. Hair accessories are important for variety and esp in this HEAT!!! :yep:
Did he mention if he was going to come out with a larger clip? I need one. I emailed him about it with no response. He's normally good about getting back to me.

Also is he giving us another discount?:look: Just thought I'd ask.
Did he mention if he was going to come out with a larger clip? I need one. I emailed him about it with no response. He's normally good about getting back to me.

Also is he giving us another discount?:look: Just thought I'd ask.

I'm saying though :lol: ITA about the larger clip as well. My airdried hair barely fits in the x-large clip, I still adore it though
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No I'm sorry, he didn't mention another discount. The 32088 is still in effect... 10% off or if you order 4 you get an additional clip free. He also did not say anything about a larger clip. :nono: I think you should e-mail him again and perhaps call. They want to keep us HAPPY!!! :yep: